Bismillāh ir Raḥmān ir Raḥīm

The Last Sermon of the Prophet Muḥammad (salla llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam)


The last khutba, the last sermon given by Muḥammad at the completion of his last ajj, is

one of the most powerful statements on the equality of humankind and the equal rights of all people.

It is a truly universal statement.


As the original recitation of the Qur’ān was heard by hundreds or thousands of people,

it is the single most reliable of all the hadith.

In scholarly terms, it is the most mutawātir of all narrations, heard by thousands of muslims. 

It is Muḥammad’s last khutba from his final Ḥajj:


O people, lend me your listening ear, for I know not if I shall be, after this year,                        

ever among you again.  Therefore listen to what I am saying to you in this instant.

Then, take these words to the people who could not be here today:  O people, as you regard

this month, this day, and this city as sacred, so shall you regard every Muslim as sacred.

And so regard it a most sacred trust to protect life.  This duty is farḍ, so all must do so.

Also preserve property.  And, if loaned, then return what was placed in your trust to the owner.

Harm no one, and let nobody harm you.  Remember well you will meet God, Who knows all

that you do.  And as God reckons your deeds, well remember that usury has been directly forbidden.

And as all usury has been forbidden, and knowing Allāh sees the plain and the hidden,

Therefore all interest accrued is now waived.  Any capital shall with its owner remain.

You shall not bear nor inflict an inequity.  Allāh has declared as invalid all usury.

Ward off Shayṭān for the sake of your religion.  He will try to trap you in small things petty and mean.

He has lost all hope he will ever be able to lead you astray in the bigger things.

Be ever wary of following him in small things.  It is woe alone his lies bring.        

And it is true that men have certain rights with respect to their women, but women have rights

with respect to their men.  So remember when one of you women or men would begin,

under the trust of Allāh, to abide with permission, the two of you both, side by side,

then to the woman belongs the real right to be fed, sheltered, clothed, and regarded with kindness. 

So treat your spouses well.  Always be kind to them.  They are your partners and helpers in kind. 

And it is right that a spouse not make friends with unsavory people, nor fail to be chaste. 

O people, listen to me now in earnest, and worship Allāh.

Say your five times ṣalah.  Fast during Ramaḍān.  Give your zakāh. 

And once if you are able, make ḥajj. 

All of mankind is from Adam and Eve.

And an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab. 

And a non-Arab has no ascendance above any Arab. 

And no white is superior over a black, nor is any black superior over a white. 

And the only exception for both is by taqwā / piety / God consciousness.

Each Muslim is a brother to every Muslim, that all Muslims constitute one kinship.

Nothing shall be made legitimate to any Muslim by force or deceit. 

Do not take, unless it is given both freely and willingly.  Never succumb to your greed. 

And so this way, do not take injustice upon yourselves. 

And so remember that, before Allāh,

one day you will be called and stand in answer for all of your deeds.  So beware.

Do not stray from Allāh’s path of righteousness after I am gone.  O people, no prophet,

nor any apostle, will come after me.  No new faith will be born.  Reason well, therefore,

O people, and try to understand the words I convey to you here. 

I leave behind me two things, the Qur’ān, Allāh’s book, and examples of living, the sunnah. 

Follow these and you will not go astray.  All who listen carefully, hear what I say. 

Pass along my words to others, and those who receive them, pass them on to others again. 

And may the last ones who hear, understand my words better than those who are hearing me now. 

Yā Allāh.  You are my witness that now I have conveyed the whole message as You told me. 

                                          *       *       *

~ Rasheed al Ḥajj abū Muṭahhar,  24 Dhūl Qa‘dah 1442 ~ 4th of July 2021


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