91  Sūrat ash Shams ~ the Sun

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful       0

And by the sun and its brightness,                                    1

And the moon when it follows it,                                     2

And the day when it manifests,                                        3

And the night when it covers it,                                       4

And the sky and Who constructed it,                               5

And the earth and Who spread it,                                     6

And the soul and Who proportioned it,                            7

And so inspired its impulses and its piety,                       8

Certainly, he succeeds who purifies the soul.                   9

And surely he fails who corrupts it.                                10

Thamūd denied by their transgression,                           11

When the most wicked of them was sent forth.              12

Then the Messenger of Allāh said to them:                    13

It is the she camel of God, and her drink.                       14

But they denied him and so they hamstrung her.

So their Lord demolished them for their sin,

And so leveled them.

And He does not fear its consequences.                         15