19  Sūrat Maryam ~ Mary



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                     0


Kāf  Ha Ya ‘Ayn  Ṣād                                                                                      1


A remembrance of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariyā,             2


When he called to his Rabb a secret plea.                                                       3


He said:  My Rabb, indeed, my bones are weak,                                            4

And my head is flared white,

And I have not been unblessed in supplication to You, my Rabb.


And indeed, I fear the heirs after me, and my wife is childless.                     5

So grant to me from Your Presence an heir


Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob,                             6

And make him pleasing, my Lord.


O Zakariyā, indeed We give you glad tidings of a boy,                                  7

His name shall be John [Yaḥyā].

We have never made this name for one before.


He said:  My Lord, how can I have a son when my wife is infertile,              8

And certainly I have reached extreme old age?


He said:  In this way, said your Lord:                                                              9

It is easy for Me.

And certainly I created you before, when you were not anything.


He said:  My Rabb, make a sign for me.                                                        10

He said:  Your sign is that you will not speak to the people

For three nights, [though you are] capable.


Then he came from out of his prayer sanctum to the people.                        11

Then he signalled them to glorify God in the morning and evening.


O John, hold the scripture with strength.                                                       12

And We gave him wisdom as a child,           


With tenderness from Us and with purity,                                                     13

And he was God fearing,


And kind to both his parents,                                                                         14

And he was not a disobedient tyrant.


And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he dies,                15

And the day he will be raised alive.


And mention in the book Maryam,                                                                16

When she withdrew from her family to an eastern place.


Then she took from them a veil.                                                                    17

There we sent to her Our Spirit

That had the likeness for her equal to a man.


She said:  Indeed, I seek refuge with the Merciful from you,                       18

If you are God fearing.


He said:  I am only a messenger from your Rabb,                                        19

That I may bestow upon you a pure son.


She said:  How can there be a son for me                                                      20

When no man has touched me and I am not unchaste?


He said:  In this way, said your Rabb:                                                            21

It is easy for Me.

And We will make him a sign for humanity,

And a mercy from Us.

And it is a matter decreed.


So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.          22


Then birthing pains brought her to the trunk of a date palm.                         23

She said:  O, would that I had died before this,

And I was forgotten, obliterated.


Then called to her from below her:  Do not grieve.                                       24

Truly, your Rabb has placed beneath you a stream.


And shake the trunk of the date palm toward you,                                         25

It will drop upon you moist ripened [dates].


So eat and drink and cool your [eyes].                                                            26

And if you see a person, anyone, then say:

Indeed, I have vowed to the Merciful a fast,

So I will not speak today [to any] human being.


Then she came with him to her people, she carries him.                                27

They said:  O Mary, for certain,

You have brought here an unprecedented thing.


O sister of Aaron, your father was not any evil man,                                     28

And your mother was not unchaste.


So then she pointed to him [infant Jesus].  They said:                                   29

How can we speak to one who is a child in the cradle?


He said:  Indeed, I am a slave of Allāh.                                                         30

He gave me the book and made me a prophet.


Allāh has blessed me wherever I am,                                                             31

And charged me with prayer and charity for as long as I live.


And kindness to my mother,                                                                           32

And he has not made me cruel, unblessed.


And peace is upon me the day I was born and the day I will die,                  33

And the day I am raised alive.


That was [‘Īsā] Jesus, the son of Mary,                                                          34

The Word of the Truth, about which they dispute.


It is not for God that He should take any son.  Glory be to Him.                  35

When God decrees a matter, then He only says to it:  Be and it is.


And indeed Allāh is my Rabb and your Rabb so serve Him.                         36

This is a straight path.


But the factions disputed from among them.                                                 37

So, woe to those who cover from the witnessing of a great day.


They will hear in them and they will see on the day they come to Us.          38

But the wrong doers today are in clear error.


And warn them of the day of regret,                                                               39

When the matter has been decided.

And they are in heedlessness,

And they do not believe.


Indeed, We will inherit the earth and who is on it,                                         40

And to Us they shall return.


And mention in the book Abraham [Ibrāhīm].                                               41

Indeed, he was truthful one, a prophet.


When he said to his father:  O my father,                                                       42

Why do you worship what Hears not and sees not,

And does not benefit you a bit?  O my father, truly,


Certainly, [what] came to me of the knowledge,                                            43

Did not come to you.  So then follow me.

I will guide you on the balanced path.


O my father, do not serve the shayṭān.                                                            44

Indeed, the shayṭān is disobedient to the Merciful.


O my father, indeed I fear that a punishment will touch you                          45

From the Compassionate,

So you would be a friend to the shayṭān.


He said:  Do you hate my gods, O Ibrāhīm?                                                   46

Surely, if you do not desist, I will stone you.

So leave me for good while.


He said:  Peace upon you.  I will ask forgiveness for you from my Rabb.     47

Indeed, He is to me affectionate, welcoming, kind.


And I will leave you and what you invoke besides God,                                48

And I will supplicate my Rabb.

It may be in supplicating my Rabb I will not be distressed.


So, when he left them and what they worshipped besides Allāh,                   49

We endowed to him Isaac and Jacob,

And each of them We made a prophet.


And We bestowed to them from Our Mercy,                                                  50

And We made for them a truthful, high eloquence.


And mention in the book Moses.                                                                    51

Indeed he was redeemed and he was a prophet, a messenger.


And We called him from the right side of the mount,                                     52

And We drew him near in confidence.


And We bestowed to him from Our mercy his brother                                   53

Aaron [Harūn], a prophet.


And mention in the book Ishmael [Ismā‘īl].                                                   54

Indeed, he was true to his promise, and was a messenger, a prophet.


And he commanded his people to prayer and charity,                                    55

And was near to his Rabb, accepted.


And mention in the book Idrīs.                                                                       56

Indeed, he was truthful, a prophet.


And We raised him to a high place.                                                                57


Those are the ones upon whom Allāh bestowed favor,                                  58

From among the prophets,

Of the offspring of Adam,

And of those We carried with Noah [Nūḥ],

And from the offspring of Abraham and Israel.

And of whom We guided and We chos.

When the signs of the Merciful were recited to them,

They fell prostrating and weeping.


Then succeeded after them successors who neglected the prayer,                 59

And followed the lusts.

So soon they will meet evil.


Except who repented and believed and did good deeds,                                60

Then those will enter the Garden.

And they will not be wronged in anything.


Gardens of permanence,                                                                                 61

Which the Merciful promised to His servants in the unseen,

Indeed, it is His promise sure to come.


They will not hear in it any foolish talk, only peace.                                     62

And for them their sustenance is in it, morning and evening.


This is the paradise which We give as inheritance                                         63

To Our servants who are God conscious.


And we do not descend except by the command of your Lord.                     64

To Him belongs what is between us, before us, and what is behind us,

And what is between that.

And your Lord is not forgetful.


The Lord of the heavens and the earth,                                                          65

And what is between both of them.

So serve God and be patient in His service.

Do you know for Him any similarity?


And says the man:  What?  When I am dead,                                                66

Certainly I shall be brought forth alive?


Does man not recall that We created him before,                                          67

When he was not anything?


So, by your Lord,                                                                                           68
Surely, We will gather them with the shayāṭīn [the satans].

Then certainly We will bring them to hell on bent knees.


Then, surely, We will drag out from every sect those of them                      69

Who were strongest against the Compassionate in rebellion.


Then, surely, We know best                                                                           70

Those among them most worthy of burning in it.


And there is not any of you but will be passing over it.                                 71

This is by your Lord decreed inevitable.


Then We will bring forth the ones of God consciousness [taqwā]                 72

And We will leave the wrongdoers in it on bent knees.


And when Our clear signs are recited to them,                                               73

Say the ones who disbelieved to the ones who had faith:

Which of the two groups is better in station and best in convening?


And how many have We destroyed before them of a generation                   74

Who were better in wealth and appearance?


Say:  Whoever is in error,                                                                               75

Then surely the Merciful will extend for him an extension

Until when they see what they were promised,

Either the punishment or the hour,

Then they will know who is worse in position and weaker in forces.


And Allāh increases those who will be guided in guidance,                          76

And the everlasting good deeds are near to your Rabb for reward,

And better for return.


Then, have you seen the one who disbelieved in Our signs,                          77

And said:  Surely I will be given wealth and children?


Has he observed the unseen?                                                                          78

Or has he take from the Merciful a promise?


No, We will record what he says.                                                                   79

And We shall prolong for him the punishment extensively.


And We will inherit from what he says,                                                         80
And he will come to Us alone.


And they have taken gods besides Allāh,                                                       81

That they may be for them an honor.


No, they will deny their worship of them,                                                      82

And they will be opponents against them.


Do you not see that We have sent the shayāṭīn upon the disbelievers,           83

Inciting them with incitment [to evil]?


So do not hurry against them.                                                                         84

We count only a number [of days] for them.


The day We shall gather the God fearing to the Merciful, a delegation.        85


And We shall drive the criminals to hell, thirsty.                                            86


They will not have the power of intercession,                                                87

Exept who has taken from the Merciful a covenant.


And they say the Merciful has taken a son.                                                    88


Certainly you have put forth a grievous thing.                                               89


The heavens almost get torn from it,                                                              90

And the earth splits, and the mountain collapses in ruin.

That they ascribe a son to the Merciful,                                                         91


And it is not appropriate for the Merciful that he should take a son.             92


There is none who is in the heavens and the earth                                         93

But that comes to the Merciful as a slave.


Certainly, he has enumerated them and counted them a counting.                94


And all of them come to Him alone [on] the day of the standing.                 95


Indeed, those who believe and did good deeds,                                             96

The Compassionate will bestow for them love.


So only We have made it easy in your tongue,                                              97

That you may give good news with it to the pious,

And warn a hostile people with it.


And how many generations have We destroyed before them?                      98

Can you perceive any one of them, or hear from them a sound?