87  Sūrat al ‘Alā ~ the Most High

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful        0

Praise the name of your Sustainer, the Most High,            1

The one who created then proportioned,                            2

And the one who ordained law then guided,                      3

And Who brings forth the pasture,                                     4

And then turns it into a dark stubble.                                 5

We will make you recite so you will not forget,                6

Except what God wills.  Surely, God knows                     7

What is spoken of and what is concealed.

And We will ease your way to ease.                                  8

So remind, if the reminder benefits.                                  9

Who fears God will take heed.                                        10

And the wretched one will avoid it,                                 11

The one who will burn in the great fire.                          12

Then he will not die in it, nor will he live.                      13

Certainly he succeeds who purifies himself,                   14

And remembers the name of his Rabb and prays.           15

No, yet, you favor the life of this world,                         16

While the hereafter is better and enduring.                     17

Indeed, surely this is in the earlier scriptures,                 18

The pages of Abraham and Moses.                                 19