68  Sūrat al Qalam ~ the Pen



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                       0


Nūn                                                                                                    1

By the pen and what they write,


You are by the grace of your Lord not mad.                                      2


And indeed, for you is surely a reward without ending.                    3


And indeed, you certainly are of a great moral character.                 4


So you will see and they will see                                                       5


Which of you is the afflicted.                                                             6


Indeed, your Rabb is knowing of who has strayed from His way,     7

And He is knowing of the guided ones.


So do not obey the deniers.                                                                 8


They wish that you compromise so they may compromise.               9


And do not obey every contemptible swearer of oaths,                     10


Backbiter walking around with gossip,                                              11


Obstructer of the good, sinful transgressor,                                       12


Cruel, beyond that, intruder,                                                               13


Because he is a possessor of wealth and children.                             14


When Our verses are recited to him, he says:                                    15

Myths of the ancients.


We will brand him on the snout.                                                        16


Indeed,                                                                                                17

We have tried them as We tried the companions of the garden,

When they vowed to cut down its fruit in the morning,


Without making an exception.                                                           18


So there came upon it a visitation from your Lord,                           19

While they were asleep.


Then it became as if reaped.                                                               20


So they called one another at morning,                                              21


[Saying]:  Go early to your crop if you would harvest the fruit.        22


So they left, and they lowered their voices,                                        23


[Saying]:  No poor person will enter it upon you today.                     24


And they went early with resolve, capable.                                        25


But when they saw it they said:                                                          26

Indeed, we are certainly lost.                                                             


No, we are excluded.                                                                           27


Said the most balanced of them:

Did I not say to you:  Why do you not glorify God?                          28


They said:  Glory be to our Rabb.                                                       29

Indeed, we were mistaken.


Some of them approached the others, blaming each other.                 30


They said:  O woe to us.                                                                      31

Indeed, we were transgressors.


Perhaps our Rabb will substitute better than it for us.                        32

Indeed, we turn longingly to our Lord.


So thus is the punishment,                                                                  33

And surely the punishment of the hereafter is greater,

If they knew.


Truly,                                                                                                   34

For people of conscience are gardens of bliss with their Rabb.


Then shall We make Muslims out to be like terrorists?                      35


What is with you?  How do you judge?                                              36


Or do you have a book wherein you study?                                        37


Indeed, you have in it what you choose.                                             38


Or do you have oaths from Us,

Extending to the day of the standing?

Indeed, for you is surely whatever you judge.                                    39


Ask them which of them is responsible for that.                                 40


Or for them are there partners?                                                            41

Then let them come with their partners, if they are truthful.


The day the shin shall be exposed,                                                      42

And they shall be called to prostrate but they will not be able.


Their eyes lowered, humiliation shall cover them.                              43

And certainly they were called to prostrate while they were sound.


So leave Me and whoever denies this narration.                                  44

We shall lead them by degrees from where they know not.


And I shall grant respite to them.  Indeed, My plan is solid.               45


Or do you ask of them payment so they are burdened by debt?          46        


Or is the unseen theirs, so they prescribe it?                                        47


So be patient for the decree of your Lord,                                           48

And do not be like the companion of the whale

When he called out while he was choked with emotion.


If a favor from his Rabb had not overtaken him,                                 49

Surely he would have been thrown onto the bare shore

While he was blameworthy.


But his Rabb chose him and made him of the virtuous.                      50


And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you                51

Slip with their gaze when they hear the message.

And they say:  Indeed, he is certainly mad.


And it is not but a reminder to the worlds.                                          52


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