43  Sūrat az Zukh’ruf ~ the Gold Adornment  



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                     0


Ḥa  Mīm                                                                                                          1


By the clear book.                                                                                           2


Indeed, We made it an Ara bic recitation so that you may understand.          3


And truly, it is in the mother of the book with Us, surely elevated, wise.     4


Then shall We turn away the reminder from you                                           5

Because you are a transgressing people?


And how many prophets did We send among the previous?                         6


And no prophet came to them but they mocked him.                                    7


Then We destroyed stronger than them in attacking,                                     8

And so has gone away the likes of the previous.


And if you ask them:  Who created the heavens and earth?                          9

They will surely say:  The Almighty, the Knower created them,


The One Who made earth a bed for you,                                                       10

In it roads so that you may be guided,


And the One Who sends down water from the sky in measure,                    11

Then We revive a dead land with it.

In this way you will be brought forth,


And the One Who created the pairs, all of them,                                           12

And made for you of the ships and the cattle which you ride,


That you may sit on their backs with stability.                                               13

Then remember the favor of your Rabb

When you sit firmly on them, and say:

Glory to the One Who has subjected this to us.

And we were not capable of it.


And indeed, to our Lord we shall surely return.                                             14


But they attribute to Him from His servants a constituent.                            15

Indeed, man is clearly ungrateful.


Or did He take daughters from what He created and chose for you sons?     16


And when one of them is given good news                                                    17

Of what he strikes for the Merciful as a likeness,

His face becomes dark and he suppresses anger.


So does one who is brought up in adornments lack clarity in the dispute?    18


And they have made the angels, who are slaves of the Merciful, female.     19

Did they witness their creation?

Their testament will be recorded and they will be questioned.


And they say:  If the Merciful had willed it,                                                  20

We would not have worshipped them.

They have no knowledge of that.

They do nothing but lie.


Or have We given them a book prior to it, so they are holding fast to it?      21


No.                                                                                                                  22

They say:

Indeed, we found our fathers leading a nation,

And indeed we are being led on top of their tracks.


And likewise, We did not send before you in a town any warner,                 23

But that the wealthy ones of it said:  Indeed,

We found our fathers leading a community,

And indeed we are following at their heels.


He said:  Even if I came to you with better guidance                                     24

Than what you found your fathers on?

They said:  Surely, with what you are sent we are disbelievers in it.


So We took retribution from them.                                                                 25

Then see how was the end of the ones who deny.


And when Abraham said to his father and his people:                                   26

Indeed, I am free from what you worship


Except the One Who created me,                                                                   27

And surely He will guide me.


And He made it an enduring word among his descendants,                          28

So that they may return.


Nonetheless, I gave enjoyment to these and their fathers                              29

Until the truth came to them,

And a clear messenger.


And when the truth came to them they said:  This is sorcery.                        30

And, indeed, we are disbelievers in it.


And they say:                                                                                                  31

Why was this Qur’ān not sent down to a great man from the two towns?


Do they distribute the mercy of your Rabb?                                                   32

We parcel out between them their livelihood in the life of the world,

And We raise some of them above others in rank,

So that some of them may make others subservient.

But the mercy of your Rabb is better than what they accumulate.


And were it not that humanity would become one nation,                             33

We would have made for one who disbelieves in the Merciful

Roofs of silver for their houses, and stairs on which they climb,


And for their houses doors, and couches on which they recline,                   34


And gold ornaments.                                                                                      35

And all that is nothing but an enjoyment of the life of the world.

And the hereafter with your Rabb is for the virtuous.


And whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Merciful,                36

We assign to him a satan,

Then to him he is a companion.


And surely, they indeed turn them from the path.                                          37

And they think that they are well guided,


Until, when he comes to Us, he says [to it]:                                                   38

O would that the distance between you and me

Were the distance between East and West, so foul is the companion.


And it will never profit you when you did wrong,                                         39

The day that you are in punishment, joined with partners.


Then can you make the deaf hear or guide the blind,                                    40

And one who is in a clear error?


And whether We take you away,                                                                    41

We shall indeed take retribution from them,


Or We shall surely show you that which We have promised them.               42

So indeed, We are fully powerful over them.


So hold fast to that which is revealed to you.                                                 43

Truly, you are on a straight path.


And indeed, it is a surely a reminder for you and your people,                      44

And soon you will be questioned.


And ask whom We sent before you of Our messengers,                                45

Did We make gods besides the Merciful to be worshipped?


And certainly We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs,      46

And he said:  Indeed, I am a messenger of the Lord of the worlds.


But when Moses came to themwith Our signs,                                              47

Instantly they laughed at them.


And not did We show them of a sign but it was greater than its sister.          48

And We seized them with the punishment so they might return.


And they said:  O sorcerer,                                                                             49

Invoke your master for us by what he made a pact with you.

Indeed, surely we will be guided.


But when We had removed the torment from them,                                       50

Behold, they broke their word.


And Pharaoh exclaimed among his people.                                                    51

He said:  O my people, is not the kingdom of Egypt for me,

And these rivers flowing underneath me?  Then do you not see?


Or am I better than this one,                                                                           52

Who is despicable and hardly makes himself clear?


Then why are there not gold bracelets placed on him,                                   53

Or angels come with him accompanying him?


So he was condescending to his people and they obeyed him.                      54

Indeed, they were a dissolute people.


So when they aggrieved Us, We took retribution from them,                        55

And We drowned them all.


And so We made them a precedent and an example for those later.              56


And when the son of Mary was put forward as an example,                         57

Instantly, your people turned away from it.


And they said:  Are our gods better or is he?                                                 58

They do not present it to you except for disputation.

No, they are a quarrelsome people.


[Jesus] was not but a servant.

We bestowed Our favor on him and We made him an example                     59

For the children of Israel.


And if We willed, surely We could have put among you angels,                   60

Succeeding you in the earth.


And indeed, it surely is a knowledge of the hour,                                           61

So do not doubt about it, and follow me.

This is a straight path.


And do not let the satan avert you.  Indeed it is for you a clear enemy.         62


And when Jesus came with clear proofs, he said:                                           63

Verily, I have come to you with wisdom,

And that I make clear to you some of that in which you differ.

So fear God and obey me.


Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him.                                  64

This is a straight path.


But the factions from among them differed,                                                   65

So woe from the punishment of a painful day to those who wronged.


Are they waiting but for the hour,                                                                   66

That it should come on them suddenly, while they are unaware?


Friends on that day will be enemies to others, some of them,                        67

Except the virtuous.


O my servants, there will be no fear on you that day,                                     68

Nor will you grieve,

Those who trusted in Our verses, and were surrendered.                               69


Enter the garden, you and your spouses, delighted.                                       70


Plates of gold and cups will be passed around for them.                                71

And in it is what the souls desire and delights the eyes.

And you will abide in it forever.


And this is the garden you are bequeathed for what you used to do.             72


In it for you are abundant fruits from which you shall eat.                            73


Indeed, the criminals shall be in the torment of the inferno,                          74

Abiding forever.


It will not subside for them, and they despair in it.                                        75


And We did not wrong them, but they were themselves wrongdoers.           76


And they call:  O Malik, let your Lord put an end to us.                                77

And he says:  Indeed, you remain.


Certainly, We have brought you the truth,                                                      78

But most of you are averse to the truth.


Or have they settled a matter?                                                                         79

Then, indeed, We are settled.


Or do they think that We do not hear their secrets,                                         80

And their private conversations?

No, and Our messengers with them are recording.


Say:  If the Merciful had a son,                                                                       81

Then I would be the first of the worshippers.


Glory be to the Lord of the heavens and the earth,                                         82

The Lord of the throne,

Above what they attribute.


So leave them to speak idly and play until they meet their day,                     83

Which they are promised.


And He is the One Who is in the heaven,                                                       84


And in the earth,


And He is the Wise, the Knower.


And blessed is the One to Whom belongs the dominion                               85

Of the heavens and the earth,

And whatever is betwen both of them.

And with Him is the knowledge of the hour,

And to Him you shall be returned.


And those whom they invoke for intercession besides Him                          86

Have no power,

Except who testifies to the truth,

And they know.


And if you ask them who created them,                                                         87

They will certainly say:  God.

Then how are they deluded?


And his saying:  O my Rabb,                                                                         88

Indeed, these are people who do not believe.


So turn away from them and say:  Peace.                                                      89

Then soon they will know.