73  Sūrat al Muzzamil ~ the One Wrapped in Robes


In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                        0


O you wrapped in robes.                                                                    1


Stand the night, except a little,                                                           2


Half, or a little less.                                                                            3


Or add to it and intone the Qur’ān psalmodially.                               4


Indeed, We lay before you a heavy word.                                          5


Surely, rising at night is difficult,                                                       6

And most befitting subdued speech.


Indeed for you in the day is prolonged praising.                                7


Remember the name of your Rabb,                                                    8

And devote yourself to Him devoutly.


The Lord of the East and the West, there is no god but He,               9

So take Him as Trustee.


And be patient over what they say,                                                    10

And avoid them with gracious avoidance.


And leave me and the deniers, possessors of ease,                            11

And allow them a small respite.


Indeed, with Us are shackles and an inferno,                                     12


And food that chokes and a painful punishment,                               13


The day the earth quakes,                                                                   14

And the mountains become mountains of sand sliding down.


Indeed, We sent to you a messenger, a witness upon you,                 15

As We sent to Pharoah a messenger.


But Pharoah disobeyed the messenger,                                               16

So We seized him with a disastrous taking.


Then, how will you protect yourselves,                                              17

If you disbelieve a day that makes the children gray haired?


The sky split from itself is His promise fulfilled.                                18


Indeed, this is a reminder.                                                                    19

Then whoever wills, take to his Rabb a way.


Indeed, your Rabb knows                                                                     20

That you stand almost two thirds of the night,

And half of it, and a third of it,

As does a group of those who are with you.

And God determines the night and the day.

He knows that you do not count it,

So He turned to you.

So recite what is easy of the Qur’ān.

He knows that there will be sick among you,

And others traveling in the land seeking the grace of Allāh,

And others fighting in the way of Allāh.

So recite what is easy of it,

And establish the prayer,

And give the zakāh,

And lend Allāh a beautiful loan.

And whatever you advance of yourselves for the good,

You will find with God it is a better and greater reward.

And seek forgiveness from God.

Truly God is forgiving, merciful.


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