72  Sūrat al Jinn ~ the Jinn

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                              0

Say:  It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened,                           1

And they said:  Indeed, we heard a marvelous recitation.

It guides to the right way, so we trust in it.                                                              2

And never will we associate anyone with our Lord.

And He, exalted is the sufficiency our Lord,                                                           3

Has not taken a wife and no son.

And the foolish among us has spoken excessively against God.                            4

And we thought that men and jinn would never speak against God any lie.          5

And that there were men among humanity                                                             6

Who sought refuge in the men from among the jinn,

So they increased them in oppression.

And that they thought, as you thought,                                                                   7

That God would never raise anyone.

And that we touched the sky,                                                                                  8

But we found it guarded by severe guards, meteors.

And that we used to sit there in seated positions to listen,                                     9

But who listens now will find for him a burning star waiting.

And that we know not whether harm is intended for those on the earth,              10

Or if their Lord intends for them a correct guidance.

Among us are the virtuous ones, and among us are other than that.                     11

We are [on] split paths.

And that we are certain that we cannot elude God in the earth,                           12

And never can we escape Him by flight.

And that when we heard the guidance, we trusted in it.                                       13

And whoever believes in his Lord

Then he will not fear any loss and no burden.

And that among us are submitters to God,                                                           14

And among us are the unjust.

And whoever submits, then those ones have followed the right path.

And as for the unjust, they shall be firewood for hell.                                         15

And that if they had remained on the path,                                                          16

Surely we would have given them water to drink in abundance,

That We might test them in it.                                                                              17

And whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord

Will be put into severe torment.

And that the mosques are for God,                                                                       18

And so do not supplicate anyone with God.

And that when the slave of God stood up calling Him,                                        19

They almost became a solid mass around him.

Say:  I supplicate only my Lord.                                                                           20

And I do not associate anyone with Him.

Say:  Indeed, I am not empowered with harm to you,                                          21

Nor right guidance.

Say:  Truly no one can ever protect me from God,                                              22

And never shall I find any refuge apart from Him, 

Except the conveyance from God and His messages.                                          23

And whoever disobeys God and His messenger,

Then indeed for him the fire of hell.

And they will abide in it forever.

Until when they see what they are promised,                                                       24

Then they will know who is weaker in helpers and fewer in number.

Say:  I know not if what you are promised is near,                                               25

Or my Lord will appoint for it a distant time.

So the Knower of the unseen does not reveal His concealments to anyone,        26

Except whom He has approved of messengers,                                                    27

And then, indeed, He makes go in front of him and behind him a guard,

In order that he will show that certainly they have conveyed                               28

The messages of their Lord.

And He surrounds what is with them,

And He takes account of all things in number.