16  Sūrat an Naḥl ~ the Bee

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                      0


Comes the command of God,                                                                          1

So do not hasten it.

He is glorified and exalted above what they partner.


He sends down His angels with the spirit of His command                            2

Upon whom He wills of his servants

To warn that there is no god other than I.

So be conscious of Me.


He created the heavens and the earth in truth.                                                 3

Exalted is He above what they associate.


He created humankind from a drop,                                                                4

And suddenly he is a clear adversary.


And the cattle in which are warmth and benefits,                                            5

He created them for you, and from them you eat.


And there is beauty in them for you,                                                               6

When you bring them in and when you take them out.


And they carry your burdens to a land you could not reach,                           7

Except with hardship to yourselves.

Indeed, your Lord is surely kind, merciful.


And horses and donkeys and mules for you to ride,                                        8

And adornment.  And He creates what you do not know.


And upon God is the direction of the way,                                                     9

And some among them are deviant.

And if He willed certainly He would guide you all together.


He it is Who sends down from the sky water, for you a drink,                      10

And from it plants on which you graze [livestock].


He makes crops grow with it for you,                                                            11

And the olives, and the date palms, and the grapes, and of all the fruits.

Indeed, in that surely is a sign for a people who reflect.


And He has subjected for you the night and the day.                                     12

And the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His command.    

Indeed, in that certainly are signs for a people who reason.


And whatever He increased for you in the earth of diverse colors,               13

Indeed, in that certainly is a sign for a people who remember.


And He is the One Who subjected the sea,                                                    14

For you to eat from it fresh flesh,

And that you bring forth adornments from it that you wear,

And you see the ships cutting through it,

And that you may seek of His bounty,

And that you may give thanks.


And He has cast in the earth solid mountains, lest it shake with you,           15

And rivers and roads so you may be guided,


And landmarks.                                                                                              16

And by the stars they are guided.


Then is He Who creates like one who does not create?                                 17

So then can you not take heed?


And if you count the favors of Allāh you cannot number them.                    18

Indeed, Allāh is certainly forgiving, merciful.


And Allāh knows what you conceal and what you reveal.                            19


And those whom they invoke besides Allāh do not create anything,            20

And they are created.


Dead, not alive,                                                                                               21

And they do not perceive when they will be raised.


Your god is One God.                                                                                     22

But those who do not believe in the hereafter,

Their hearts are denying and they are arrogant.


No doubt that God knows what they conceal and what they reveal.              23

Indeed, He does not love the arrogant ones.


And when it is said to them:  What has your Lord sent down?                      24

They say:  Myths of the ancients.


For them to bear their own burdens fully on the day of the standing,            25

And of the burdens of those whom they led astray without knowledge,

How evil is what they bear.


Certainly, those who were before them plotted,                                             26

But Allāh brought their building from the foundations,

So the roof fell on them from above them,

And brought them punishment from where they did not perceive.


Then on the day of the standing He shall disgrace them and say:                 27

Where are My partners, those in whom you separated?

Those who were given knowledge will say:

Indeed, this day the disgrace and evil are upon the faithless.


The ones debased of themselves whom the angels take in death,                  28

They then offer submission:  We did not do any evil.

No, surely God is knowing of what you did.


So enter the gates of hell to abide forever in it.                                              29

Surely wretched is the abode of the arrogant.


And said to those who fear God:  What has your Lord sent down?               30

They will say:  Good.  For those who do good in this world is a good,

And the home of the hereafter is better.

And truly wonderful is the home of the God conscious.


They shall enter Gardens of Eden, rivers flowing beneath them.                   31

In it for them is what they will.

Thus God recompenses the pious,


Those pure ones whom the angels take in death saying:                                32

Peace be upon you.  Enter paradise for what you have done.


Do they [the impious] attend except that the angels come to them,               33

Or the command of your Lord comes?

Thus did those who were before them.

And God did not wrong them, but they were themselves wronging.


So, what evil they did injured them,                                                               34

And what they had mocked surrounded them.


And those who associate partners [with God] say:                                         35

If God had willed we would not have served anything other than Him,

Not we and not our fathers,

And we would not have forbidden anything other than [through] Him.

Thus did those before them.

So is there on messengers [a duty] except clear conveyance?


And certainly We sent into every nation a messenger, [saying]:                    36

Serve God and avoid temptation.

So there were among them whom God guided,

And among them some on whom was decreed the straying.

So travel in the earth and see how was the end of the deniers.


If you wish for their guidance, then indeed,                                                   37

God does not guide whom He lets stray,

And there are not for them any helpers.


And they swear by God the strongest of their oaths,                                      38

God will not raise who dies.

No, it is a promise upon Him in truth,

But most of humanity does not know.


Therefore He will make clear to them that in which they differ,                    39

And so those who disbelieved know that they were liars.


And Only Our word for a thing when We intend it                                         40

That We say to it:  Be.

And it is.


And those who emigrated in God after they were oppressed,                         41

Surely We will give them beneficial circumstances in the world.

But indeed, the reward of the hereafter is greater,

If they know,


Those who are patient, and on their Lord put their trust.                                42


And We did not send before you except men to whom We revealed.             43

So ask the people of remembrance, if you do not know.


By means of clear proofs and scriptures,                                                         44

We sent down the remembrance to you,

For you to make clear to humanity what has been sent down to them,

And that they may reflect.


So are they secure, those who plot evil deeds,                                                 45

That He will not make the earth swallow them,

Or a punishment will not come to them from where they do not perceive?


Or that He will not seize them in their moving so they can not escape?         46


Or that He will not seize them with dread?                                                     47

But surely your Rabb is truly kind, merciful.


Have they not looked to anything that Allāh has created?                              48

He turns their shadows to the right and to the left,

Prostrating to Allāh, and they are humbled.


And to Allāh prostrates what is in the heavens and what is in the earth         49

Of moving creatures and of the angels,

And they are not arrogant.


They fear their Lord over them and they do what they are commanded.        50


And said Allāh:                                                                                                51

Do not take two gods.

It is only One God,

So Me Alone,

So fear Me.


And to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and in the earth,                   52

And to Him belongs constant faith.

Then is it other than Allāh you fear?


And whatever you have of favor is from Allāh.                                              53

Then when hardship touches you,

So to Him you cry.


Then when He removes the hardship from you,                                             54

Suddenly a group of you associate others with their Rabb,


So as to deny that with which we have provided them.                                  55

Then enjoy yourselves.  Soon you will know.


And they attribute to what they do not know                                                  56

A share of what We have provided them.

By God, surely you will be asked about what you invented.


And they assign to Allāh daughters, glory be to Him.                                    57

And for them is what they desire.


And when good news is given to one of them of a female,                            58

His face darkens and he is breathless.


He hides himself from the people from shame                                               59

In the good news he was given.

Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the dirt?

Yet evil is what they decide.


For those who do not believe in the hereafter is the likeness of evil.             60

And for Allāh is the highest representation,

And He is the Almighty, the Wise.


And if Allāh wre to seize mankind for their wrongdoing,                              61

There would not be left upon it any moving creature.

But He defers them for a specified term.

Then when their term comes they cannot delay an hour,

Nor can they move forward.


And they ascribe to Allāh what they hate,                                                      62

And their tongues assert the lie that for them is the best.

No doubt that for them is the fire and that they are abandoned.


By God, certainly We have messaged the nations before you,                       63

But the perverter made their deeds appear attractive to them.

So he is their ally today, and for them is a painful punishment.


And We did not send down the book to you                                                   64

Except that you make clear to them that which they dispute in it,

And a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe.


And Allāh sends down from the sky water,                                                    65

Then by means of it gives life to the earth after its death.

Indeed, in that is surely a sign for a people who listen.


And surely for you in the cattle is a lesson.                                                    66

We give you to drink from what is in their innards,

From between bowels and blood, pure milk palatable to the drinkers.


And from fruit of the date palm and the grapes                                              67

You take from it inebriation and a beneficial provision.

Indeed, in that is surely a sign for a people who reason.


And your Rabb inspired the bee to take houses among the mountains           68

And among the trees, and in what they construct.


Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Rabb humbly.         69

From their insides emerges a drink of diverse colors.

In it is a healing for mankind.

Indeed, in that is surely a sing for a people who reflect.


And Allāh creates you then causes you to die.                                                70

And among you is who reverts to the meekest age,

So that, after knowing, he does not know a thing.

Truly, Allāh is knowing, powerful.


And Allāh has favored some of you over others in provision.                        71

But those who were favored would not hand over their provision

To whom their right hands possess so they are equal in it.

So then is it the favor of Allāh they reject?


And Allāh has made for you from yourselves spouses,                                  72

And has made for you from your spouses children and grandchildren.

And has provided for you from the good things.

So then do they believe in falsehood,

And in the favor of Allāh they disbelieve?


And they worship other than Allāh what does not possess for them              73

Any provision from the heavens and the earth,


And they are not capable.


So do not strike comparisons to Allāh.                                                           74

Indeed, Allāh knows and you do not know.


Allāh sets forth a parable of a slave who is owned,                                        75

He has no power over anything,

And whom We provided from Us a beneficial provision,

So he spends from it secretly and openly.

Are they equivalent?

All praise is for Allāh.

No, most of them do not know.


And Allāh sets forth a parable of two men, one of them mute.                      76

He has no power over anything and he is a burden on his master.

Anywhere he directs him comes to no good.

Is he equivalent to one who commands with justice,

And is on a straight path?


And to Allāh belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth.                     77

And not is the matter of the hour but a twinkling of the eye,

Or it is nearer.

Indeed, Allāh over everything is powerful.


And Allāh brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers,                   78

Not knowing anything.

And made for you hearing and sight,

And hearts so that you may give thanks.


Do they not look to the birds subjected to the air in the sky?                        79

Nothing is holding them except Allāh.

Surely in that are signs for a people who have faith.


And Allāh has made for you from your homes a place of rest.                      80

And from the hides of livestock made tents for you,

Which you find light on the day of your travel,

And the day of your encampment.

And from their wool and their fur and their hair are furnishings

And an enjoyment for a time.


And Allāh made for you from what He created shade,                                  81

And made for you shelters from the mountains,

And made for you garments to protect you from the heat

And garments to protect you from your own violence.

Thus He completes His favor upon you so that you may surrender.


So, if they turn away, then upon you is only the clear transmission.             82


They recognize the favor of Allāh, then they deny it.                                    83

And most of them are faithless.


And the day We will raise from every nation a witness,                                84

Then for those who disbelieved,

They will not be permitted and they will not be asked to make amends.


And when those who wronged see the punishment,                                       85

It will not be lightened for them and they will not be reprieved.


And when those who associated partners with Allāh see their partners,        86

They will say:  Our Lord,

These are our partners, those whom we had invoked besides You.

But they will throw at them their word:  Indeed you surely are liars.


And they will offer submission to Allāh on that day,                                     87

And strayed from them is what they used to invent.


And those who disbelieved and hindered from the way of Allāh,                 88

We shall increase them punishment over punishment,

For what corruption they used to spread.


And the day We will raise in every nation a witness over them                    89

From themselves.

And We bring you as a witness over these.

And We sent down to you the book,

A clarification of all things,

And a guidance and a mercy,

And good news for those who surrender.


Indeed, Allāh commands justice and the good, and giving to relatives,        90

And forbids immorality,

And the repugnant,

And oppression.

He warns you so that you may take heed.


And fulfill the covenant of Allāh when you have taken a covenant,              91

And do not break oaths after their affirmation,

And truly you have made Allāh over you a surety.

Indeed, Allāh knows what you do.


And do not be like she who untwists her spun yarn after strength                 92

To untwisted threads,

Making your oaths a deception between you,

Because a community is more numerous than [another] community

Allāh only tests you by it.

And He will make clear to you the day of the standing

That in which you differed.


And if Allāh willed, surely He could make you one nation,                          93

But He lets stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills.

And surely you will be asked about what you used to do.


And do not make your oaths a deception between you,                                 94

Lest a foot slip after it is stable,

And you taste evil for what you diverted from the way of Allāh,

And for you is a great punishment.


And do not trade the covenant of Allāh for a small price.                             95

Indeed, it is better for you what is with Allāh,

If you knew.


What is with you is exhausted and what is with Allāh endures.                    96

And certainly We recompense those who are patient their reward

By the best of what they used to do.


Whoever does virtuous deeds, whether male or female, and is faithful,        97

Then certainly We will give him life, a good life,

And We will recompense them their reward by the best of what they did.


So when you recite the Qur’ān,                                                                      98

Seek refuge in Allāh from the expelled shayṭān.


Indeed, there is not for him any authority on those who believe                   99

And upon their Rabb place their trust.


His only authority is over those who take him as an ally,                            100

And those who associate partners with [Allāh].


And when We exchange a verse in place of a verse,                                    101

And Allāh is knowing of what He sends down,

They say:  You are only an inventor.

No, most of them do not know.


Say:  The Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth,            102

To make firm those who believe, and as a guidance and good news,

To those who surrender to God.


And certainly We know that they say:  Only a human being teaches him.   103

The tongue of the one to whom they refer is foreign,

And this is clear Arabic speech.


Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of Allāh,                              104

Allāh will not guide them and for them is a painful punishment.


They only invent falsehood,                                                                          105

Those who do not believe in the verses of Allāh.

And those ones, they are the liars.


Whoever disbelieves in Allāh after his belief,                                              106

Except one who is forced while his heart is content with the faith,

But who opens his breast to disbelief,

Then upon them is a wrath from Allāh, and for them is a great punishment.


That is because they preferred the life of the world over the hereafter,        107

And that Allāh does not guide the faithless people.


Those are the ones Allāh has set a seal over their hearts                               108

And their hearing and their sight.

And those, they are the heedless.


No doubt that in the hereafter they are the losers.                                         109


Then indeed, your Rabb,                                                                                110

To those who emigrated after to what trials they were put,

Then strove hard and were patient,

Indeed, your Rabb after that is certainly forgiving, merciful.


The day every soul comes pleading for itself.                                               111

And every soul shall be paid in full for what it did.

And they shall not be wronged.


And Allāh sets forth a parable of a town that was safe and secure,               112

Its provision coming to it abundantly from every place.

But it denied the favors of Allāh,

So Allāh made it taste the mixture of hunger and fear

For what they had been doing.


And certainly a messenger came to them from among them,                        113

But they rejected him, so the punishment seized them.

And they were wrongdoers.


So eat of what Allāh has provided you, lawful and good.                             114

And appreciate the favor of Allāh if Him Alone you serve.


He has forbidden to you only carrion,                                                           115

And the blood and the flesh of swine,

And what was dedicated to other than Allāh.

Yet if one is forced without being disobedient, and not transgressing,

Then indeed, Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


And to what your tongues proclaim, do not speak the lie:                            116

This is lawful and this is forbidden,

So that you invent lies about Allāh.

Indeed, those who invent lies about Allāh shall not succeed.


A little pleasure, and for them is a painful punishment.                                117


And to those who are Jews,                                                                           118

We have forbidden what We related to you before.

And We did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves.


Then indeed, your Rabb,                                                                               119

To those who did evil in ignorance,

Then repented after that, and corrected themselves,

Indeed, your Rabb after that is certainly forgiving, merciful.


Indeed, Abraham was a nation obedient to Allāh,                                        120

Upright, and he was not of the polytheists.


Thankful for His bounties.                                                                             121

He chose him and guided him to a straight path.


And We gave him good in the world.                                                            122

And indeed, in the hereafter he is certainly among the virtuous.


Then We revealed to you that:                                                                       123

You follow the religion of Abraham, upright.

And he was not of the polytheists.


The sabbath was made only for those who differed in it.                              124

And indeed, your Lord shall certainly judge between them

On the day of the standing, in what they used to dispute in it.


Call to the way of your Rabb with wisdom and beneficial admonition,        125

And discuss with them in that which is best.

Indeed, your Rabb, He is knowing of who has strayed from His way,

And He is knowing of the guided ones.


And if you retaliate,                                                                                       126

Then retaliate with that with which you were harmed.

But if you are patient,

Certainly it is better for those who are patient.


And be patient.                                                                                               127

And not is your patience except from God.

And do not grieve over them and do not be in distress for what they plot.


Indeed, God is with those who are conscious of God,                                   128

And those who are doers of good.


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