74  Sūrat al Muddaththir ~ the One Enveloped

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                   0

O you who covers himself,                                                           1

Stand and warn,                                                                            2

And your Lord magnify,                                                               3

And your clothing purify,                                                             4

And avoid uncleanliness,                                                              5

And do not grant a favor to gain more,                                         6

And for your Lord be patient.                                                       7

Then when the horn is blown,                                                       8

That day will be a difficult day                                                     9

For the unfaithful, without ease.                                                 10

Leave Me and whom I created alone.                                         11

And I appointed him extensive wealth,                                      12

And children witnessing,                                                            13

And smoothed [the way] for him, [made it] easy,                      14

Then he desires that I add more.                                                 15

By no means.                                                                              16

Indeed, he has been obstinate toward Our signs

Soon I will lay a hard task on him.                                             17

Indeed, he thought and planned.                                                 18

So he is destroyed [for] how he plotted.                                     19

Then he is killed [for] how he plotted.                                        20

Then he observed.                                                                       21

Then he frowned and scowled.                                                   22

Then he turned back and was arrogant.                                      23

Then he said:  This is nothing but imitated magic.                     24

This is not but the word of a human being.                                 25

I will burn him in saqar.                                                              26

And what can make you visualize what saqar is?                       27

It lets nothing remain and leaves no                                            28

Person unscorched.                                                                      29

Over it are nineteen.                                                                    30

And We made none but angels keepers of the fire.                     31

And We did not make their number except as a trial

For those who disbelieve,

That those who were given the book may be certain,

And that those who believe may increase in faith,

And those who were given the book and are believers

May not doubt,

And those in whose hearts is a disease, and the unbelievers,

May say:  What does God intend by this example?

And in this manner God lets go astray whom He wills,

And guides whom He wills.

And none know the hosts of your Lord except Him.

And it is not but a reminder to humankind,

Certainly not.  By the moon,                                                       32

And the night when it leaves,                                                      33

And the morning when it brightens,                                            34

Indeed, it is surely one of the greatest,                                        35

A warning to humanity,                                                               36

To whoever wills among you to go forward or stay behind.       37

Every soul is pledged for what it earns,                                       38

Except the companions of the right,                                             39

In gardens, asking each other                                                       40

About the criminals:                                                                     41

What stuck you in saqar?                                                             42

They will say:  We were not of those who prayed.                      43

Nor did we used to feed the poor,                                                44

And we used to talk idly with the vain talkers,                            45

And we used to deny the day of the religion,                              46

Until the certainty came to us.                                                     47

Then the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them.  48

So, what is with them that they turn away from the reminder,    49

As if they were frightened donkeys                                             50

Fleeing from a lion?                                                                     51

No, every person wished to be given pages spread out.              52

No, yet they do not fear the hereafter.                                          53

No indeed, it is a reminder.                                                          54

So whoever wills, pay heed to it.                                                 55

And they will not pay heed except that Allāh wills.                   56

He is the source of God consciousness,

And the source of forgiveness.