15  Sūrat al Ḥij’r ~ the Rocky Place



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                    0


Alif  Lām  Ra                                                                                                 1

These are the verses of the book and a clear recitation.


Perhaps those who disbelieve will wish they had surrendered.                     2


Let them eat and enjoy and be diverted by hope, for they will know.           3


And We did not destroy any town except there was a known decree for it.  4


No nation can go before its appointed time and cannot postpone it.             5


And they say:  O you unto whom has been sent down a reminder,               6

Indeed, you are surely a madman.


Why do you not come to us with angels if you are of the truthful?               7


We do not send down angels except with the truth.                                       8

And then they would not be granted respite.


Indeed We have sent down the reminder,                                                       9

And indeed, We are surely its preservers.


And certainly We sent [warners] before you in the sects of earlier people.  10


And not any messenger came to them but they mocked him.                        11


Thus We thread it in the hearts of the offenders.                                            12


They do not believe in it.                                                                                13

And certainly the ways of the earlier people have passed away.


And if We opened a gate to them from the sky,                                              14

And they continued to ascend in it,


They would surely say:  Only our vision is intoxicated.                                 15

No, we are a people enchanted.


And certainly We have placed constellations in the heavens,                         16

And We have beautified it for the observers.


And We have preserved it from every rejected devil.                                      17


Except one who steals hearing, then a clear flame pursues him.                     18


And the earth, We extended it and We cast in it firm mountains,                    19

And We made everything grow in it in equilibrium.


And We made in it a means of living for you,                                                 20

And those for whom you are not providers


And there is not anything but its treasury is with Us,                                      21

And We do not send it down except in a known proportion.


And We send pollinating winds,                                                                      22

And We send down water from the sky and give it to you to drink,

And you are not its storekeepers.


And, indeed, We surely give life and We cause death,                                     23

And We are the inheritors.


And certainly We know the ones who precede among you,                             24

And certainly We know the ones who are later.


And, indeed, your Lord will gather them.                                                        25

Indeed, He is wise, knowing.


And truly We created humankind from clay, from molded mud.                    26


And the jinn We created before from poisonous fire.                                      27


And when your Lord said to the angels:

Indeed, I am creating a human being from clay, from molded mud.               28


So when I have fashioned him and breathed of My spirit into him,                29

Then drop for him, prostrating.


So the angels, all of them together, prostrated.                                                30


Except Iblīs,                                                                                                     31

He refused to be with those who prostrated.


He said:  O Iblīs,                                                                                              32

What is with you that you are not with the prostrators?


He said:  I am not one to prostrate to a human You created from clay,           33

From molded mud.


He said:  Then get out of it, for indeed you are ejected.                                  34


And, indeed, upon you is the curse until the day of the religion.                     35


He said:  O my Lord, then give me respite until the day they are raised.        36


He said:  Then, indeed, you are of the ones given respite                                37


Until the day of the known time.                                                                      38


He said:  My Lord, because you misled me,                                                    39

I will prettify for them in the earth and I will lead them all astray,


Except Your slaves among them, the sincere ones.                                          40


He said:  This is the straight path to Me.                                                          41


Indeed, my slaves, you have no authority over them,                                      42

Except those who follow you among those who stray.


And indeed, hell is surely the appointment for them all.                                 43


It has seven gates.                                                                                             44

For each gate among them is an assigned portion.


Indeed, the virtuous will be amid gardens and springs.                                   45


Enter them in peace, secure.                                                                             46


And We shall remove what is in their breasts of malice,                                 47

Brothers on thrones facing one another.


Fatigue shall not touch them in it,                                                                    48

And they shall not be removed from it.


Inform My servants that I,                                                                               49

I am the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful,


And that My punishment is the most painful punishment.                              50


And inform them about the guests of Ibrāhīm.                                                51


When they entered upon him and said:  Peace,                                                52

He said:  Indeed, we are afraid of you.


They said:  Do not be afraid                                                                             53

Indeed, we bring good news to you of a knowledgeable son.


He said:  Do you give me good news, though old age has touched me?         54

Then of what do you give good news?


They said:  We give you good news in truth,                                                   55

So do not be of the despairing.


He said:  And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord                                      56

Except those who stray?


He said:  So what is your business, O you messengers?                                  57


They said:  Indeed, we have been sent to a people of offenders.                     58


Except the family of Lot, indeed, we shall surely save them all.                     59


Except his wife, We have decreed that she is surely of the dust.                     60


And when the messengers came to the family of Lot,                                     61


He said:  Indeed, you are an unfamiliar people.                                               62


They said:  No, we have come to you with what they were doubting.            63


And we have come to you with the truth,                                                        64

And indeed, we are surely truthful.


So travel with your family a part of the night and walk behind them.           65

And do not let anyone among you look back,

And continue where you are commanded.


And We conveyed to him that command,                                                      66

That the root of these would be cut off by morning.


And the people of the city came rejoicing.                                                     67


He said:  Indeed, these are my guests, so do not humiliate me.                     68


And fear Allāh, and do not dishonor me.                                                       69


They said:  Did we not forbid you from the world?                                       70


He said:  These are my daughters, if you were doing.                                    71


By your life, indeed they were blind in their drunkenness.                            72


So the cry seized them at sunrise.                                                                   73

And We made the highest of it the lowest of it.                                              74

And We rained stones of baked clay upon them.


Surely, in that are signs for those who scrutinize.                                           75


And indeed, it is on an enduring road.                                                             76


Indeed, in that is surely a sign for the faithful.                                                77


And the companions of the grove were certainly offenders.                           78


So We took retribution from them.                                                                  79

And indeed, they were both surely by an open roadway.                                         


And certainly the companions of the rock denied the messengers.                 80


And We gave them Our signs, but they were turning away from them.          81


And they used to carve houses from the mountains, secure.                           82


Then the cry seized them at early morning.                                                     83


And what they had earned did not avail them.                                                 84


And We did not create the heavens and the earth,                                           85

And what is between them, except in truth.

And indeed, the hour is surely coming.

So pardon with gracious forgiveness.


Indeed, your Lord is the Creator, the Knower.                                                86

And certainly, We have given you seven of the most repeated [ayah],           87

And the great Qur’ān.


Do not extend your eyes towards what We have given the pair of them         88

By means of it.

And do not mourn over them.

And lower your wing to the believers.


And say:  Indeed, I am a clear warner.                                                             89

Like what we sent down on the separators.                                                      90

Those who have dismembered the Qur’ān.                                                      91


And so your Lord shall certainly question them all                                         92


About what they were doing.                                                                           93


So state by what you are commanded                                                             94

And turn away from the partnerers.


Indeed, We suffice to protect you from mockers.                                           95


Those who place another god with God.                                                        96

But soon they shall come to know.


And truly, We know that you catch your breath because of what they say.   97


So glorify by praising your Rabb and be of the prostrators.                          98


And serve your Rabb until certainty comes to you.                                       99


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