83  Sūrat al Muṭaffifin ~ Dealers in Fraud



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                        0


Woe to those who give less,                                                               1


Those who, when they take a measure from people,                         2

They take in full,


But when they give a meaure to them, or they weigh for them,        3

They give less.


Do they not think they will be reawakened                                        4


For a great day,                                                                                    5


The day humanity will stand before the Lord of the worlds?             6


But no indeed, the book of the iniquitous is surely in sijjeen.            7


And what can make you know what sijjeen is?                                   8


A book inscribed.                                                                                 9


Woe that day to the deniers,                                                               10


Those who deny the day of requittal.                                                 11


And none deny it except every iniquitous violator.                           12


When Our verses are recited to him, he says:                                    13

Stories of earlier people.


No, but their hearts are possessed by what they used to earn.           14


No, indeed, they shall certainly veiled from their Lord that day.      15


Then, indeed, they shall surely burn in the inferno.                          16


Then it will be said:  This is what you used to deny of it.                 17


No, indeed, the book of the devoted shall surely be in ‘illiyyīn.       18


And what can make you know what ‘illiyyūn is?                              19


A book inscribed.                                                                                20


Those brought near witness it.                                                             21


Indeed, the devoted will surely be in bliss,                                         22


On couches observing.                                                                        23


You will know in their faces the radiance of bliss.                             24


They will be given to drink of a sealed nectar.                                   25


Its seal is musk.                                                                                   26

And for that let the contenders contend.


And its blend is of tasnīm.                                                                   27


A spring from which the near ones drink.                                           28


Indeed, the transgressors used to laugh at those who had faith.          29


And when they passed by them, they winked at each other.               30


And when they returned to their people, they returned joking.           31


And when they saw them, they said:                                                   32

Indeed, these are surely astray.


But they were not sent guardians over them.                                       33


So today, those who had faith laugh at the unfaithful,                         34


On couches observing.                                                                         35


Have the faithless been requited for what they used to do?                 36


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