71  Sūrat Nūḥ ~ Noah 

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                    0

Verily, We sent Noah to his people [saying]:                                                 1

Warn your people before there is brought

On them an agonizing punishment.

[Noah] said:  O my people, indeed I am to you a clear warner.                     2

That you serve God and fear Him, and obey me.                                           3

He will forgive your sins for you,                                                                  4

And give you respite for a designated time.

Indeed, the term of God, when it comes, is not delayed,

If you knew.

[Noah] said:  My Lord, indeed I called my people night and day,                 5

But my invitation did not increase them, except in fleeing.                           6

And truly, every time I invited them,                                                             7

That You might forgive them,

They put their fingers in their ears,

And they covered themselves with their garments,

And they persisted and were arrogant with pride.

Then, indeed, I called them out publicly.                                                       8

Then, indeed, I revealed to them, and I confided to them secretly.                9

Then I said:  Ask for forgiveness from your Lord.                                       10

Truly, He is forgiving.

He will send down [rain from] the sky upon you abundantly,                      11

And provide you with wealth, children,                                                        12

And make for you gardens and make for you rivers.

What is with you that you do not accord to God reverence?                        13

And, indeed, He created you in stages.                                                         14

Do you not see how God created seven heavens in strata,                            15

And set the moon a light in it,                                                                       16

And made the sun a lamp?

And God made you grow from the earth, an organism.                                17

Then He will return you into it,                                                                     18

And bring you forth in emergence.

And God made the earth for you an expanse,                                               19

That you may move around in it [on] broad paths.                                       20

Said Noah:  My Lord, indeed they disobeyed me,                                        21

And followed one who did not increase his wealth nor his children,

Except [in their] loss.

And they have planned a great scheme.                                                        22

And they said:  Do not abandon your gods,                                                  23

And do not leave Wadd nor Suwā,

And not Yaguth and Ya‘ūq and Nasr.

And certainly they have led astray many.                                                     24

And do not increase the wrongdoers, except in error.

Because of their sins they were drowned and then set in the fire.                25

And so for themselves they found no helpers other than Allāh.

And said Noah:  My Lord,                                                                            26

Do not leave any of the disbelievers on the earth [as] an inhabitant.

Surely, if You leave them here, they will mislead Your servants.                 27

And they will not beget anything except [an ungrateful debaucher,

A faithless adulterer, a wicked occult irreligious blasphemer,]

A seducer to dissolute life without faith.

My Lord, forgive me and my parents,                                                           28

And whoever enters my house a believer,

The faithful men and the faithful women,

[The trustworthy men and the trustworthy women,

The safe men and the safe women],

And do not increase the oppressors,

[the tyrants, the rogues, the scoundrels,

The exploiters, the abusers, the cruel,

The doers of evil, iniquity, outrage, injustice, malfeasance,

The willful transgressors],

Do not increase them,

Except in [destruction, in ruin, in] annihilation.