Bismillāh ir Raḥmān ir Raḥīm


At the risk of being accused of committing poetry,

an offering for lovers of God, and for all lovers of life,

with gratitude to the Merciful, the Compassionate, the One ~

Singing to the Hearer

When before there was a woman or a man,

Before this human life we know began,

Before there was a home or any hearth,

Before there was a bounty or a dearth,

Before there was a rain, or any drought,

Before there was a north, east, west, or south,

Before there was a whirling cosmic void,

Before nor yin nor yang became alloyed,

Before Unmanifest let it be Shown,

Before the Knower let the seeds be sown,

Before there was a darkness from the Light,

Before there was a single day or night,

Before the spirit moved or had one thought,

Before there was a seeker or a Sought,

Before there was a destiny or fate,

Before there was an early or a late,

Before there was a garden or a tree,

Before there was a will determined free,

Before then water, air, or earth, nor fire,

Before, there was but Truth, not any liar.

Within the One, Complete, the Giver, moved

Love, and the wish to give ~ thus love be proved ~

And so from the Unseen arose Belovèd.

And from this longing, wistfulness arose,

A sighing breath, desiring to be close,

And so on down the line unfolded time,

In couplets split and paired in perfect rhyme.

For every infinitesimal thing,

There is a perfect complementary ring,

The sound it makes in being half a pair ~

Harmonious mates in beautiful song share

Love’s melodies in contrapuntal parts,

Sing to the Hearer, Witness to our hearts.


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