14  Sūrat Ibrāhīm ~ Abraham



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                     0


Alif  Lām  Ra                                                                                                  1

A book We sent down to you,

So that you may bring humanity from the darknesses to the light,

By the permission of their Lord,

To the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy,


Allāh is the One to Whom belongs what is in the heavens                            2

And what is in the earth.

And woe to the faithless from the severe punishment,


Those who love the life of the world more than the hereafter,                      3

And hinder from the path of Allāh,

And seek in it crookedness, those gone far astray.


And We did not send any messenger                                                             4

Except with the language of his people,

So that he might make clear for them.

Then Allāh lets go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills.

And He is the Almighty, the Wise.


And certainly We sent Moses with Our signs,                                               5

To bring out your people from the darknesses to the light,

And remind them of the days of Allāh.

Indeed, in that surely are signs for everyone patient and thankful.


And when Moses said to his people:                                                              6

Remember the favor of God upon you,

When He saved you from the people of Pharaoh,

They afflicted you with evil torment and slaughtered your sons

And let your women live.

And in that was a great trial from your Lord.


And when your Lord proclaimed:                                                                  7

If you are thankful, surely I will increase you.

But if you are ungrateful, indeed, My punishment is surely severe.


And said Moses:  If you disbelieve,                                                               8

You and whoever is in the earth altogether,

Then indeed, Allāh is certainly free of need, praiseworthy.


Has information not come to you of those who were before you,                 9

The people of Noah and ‘Ād and Thamūd,

And those who were after them?

None knows them except Allāh.

Their messengers came to them with clear proofs,

But they pushed their hands back in their moths and they said:

Indeed, we disbelieve in that with which you have been sent.

And indeed, we are surely in doubt about that to which you invite us,



Said their messengers:                                                                                    10

Can there be any doubt about Allāh,

The Divider of the heavens and the earth?

He invites you so that He may forgive for you of your sins,

And give you respite for a designated term.

They said:  You are not but a human like us.

You wish to hinder us from what our fathers worshipped,

So bring us a clear authority.


Said their messengers to them:                                                                       11

We are not but human like you,

But God bestows His grace on whom He wills of His servants.

And it is not for us that we bring you an authority,

Except by permission of God.

So let the faithful place their reliance on God.


And what is for us that we not rely upon God,                                              12

While certainly He has guided us to our ways?

And surely we bear patiently what harm you may cause us.

So let ones who place their reliance rely upon God.


And said those who disbelieved to their messengers:                                    13

Surely we are driving you out of our land,

Or surely you are reverting to our religion.

So their Lord inspired them:  Surely We will destroy the iniquitous.


And surely We will make you dwell in the land after them.                          14

That is for whoever fears standing before Me and fears My promise.


And they sought victory and disappointed every stubborn tyrant.                 15


From behind him is hell, and he will be given festering water to drink.        16


He sips it, and is not near swallowing it,                                                        17

And death comes to him from every side,

And he does not die.

And over him is a gross punishment.


An example of those who disbelieve in their Lord,                                       18

Their deeds are like ashes

Upon which the wind blows violently on a stormy day.

They have no power over anything of what they have earned.

That is the far straying.


Do you not see that God created the heavens and the earth in truth?            19

If He wills He can remove you and bring a new creation.


And that is not difficult for Allāh.                                                                  20


And they will come forth before Allāh altogether,                                         21

Then the weak will say to those who were arrogant:

Indeed, we were your followers,

So are you one who frees us from anything of the punishment of Allāh?

They will say:  If Allāh had guided us, surely we would have guided you.

It is the same for us whether we are anxious or patient.

There is not for us any refuge.


And when the matter is decided, the perverter says:                                      22

Indeed, Allāh promised you a promise of truth,

And I promised you, then I broke my word to you.

And I had no authority over you except that I invited you,

And you responded to me.

So do not blame me, but blame yourselves.

I am not your helper, and you are not my helper.

Indeed, I deny the means of your partnering me before.

Indeed, for the iniquitous is a painful punishment.


And those who believed and did virtuous deeds                                            23

Will be admitted to gardens from beneath which rivers flow,

And will abide in it forever by the permission of their Lord.

Their greetings in it are peace.


Do you not see how Allāh sets forth an example?                                         24

A good word is like a good tree.

Its root is firm and its branches are in the sky,


Giving its fruit all the time by the permission of its Lord.                             25

And Allāh sets forth parables for mankind so they may remember.


And the example of a bad word is like a bad tree.                                         26

Uprooted from the surface of the earth,

There is not for it any stability.


Allāh keeps unshakable those who believe,                                                   27

With the abiding word in the life of the world and in the hereafter.

And Allāh lets go astray the iniquitous.

And Allāh does what He wills.


Have you not seen to those who exchanged the grace of God                       28

For disbelief?

And they led their people to the house of futility.


Jahannam, they burn in it,                                                                              29

And a miserable abode.


And they set up rivals to God,                                                                        30

So they mislead from His path.

Say:  Enjoy, then indeed your future in the fire.


Say to my servants, those of faith should establish the prayer,                      31

And spend from what We have provided them,

Secretly and publically,

Before the day comes in which there is not any trade,

And not any friendship.


Allāh is the one Who created the heavens and the earth,                               32

And sent down from the sky water,

Then brought forth from it of the fruits a provision for you.

And subjected to you the ships that sail on the sea,

By His command,

And subjected for you the rivers.


And He subjected for you the sun and the moon, both persisting,                 33

And subjected for you the night and the day.


And He gave you of all that you asked of Him.                                             34

And if you count the favors of Allāh, you will not be able to count them.

Indeed, humanity is surely unjust and ungrateful.


And when Ibrāhīm said:  My Lord, make this city safe,                                35

And prevent me and my sons from worhipping idols.


My Lord, indeed they have led many astray among mankind.                      36

So, whoever follows me, indeed he is of me,

And whoever disobeys me, then indeed You are forgiving, merciful.


Our Lord, indeed I have settled some of my offspring                                  37

In a valley without cultivation, near to your sacred house, our Lord,

So that they may establish the prayer.

So make hearts among the people incline towards them,

And provide them of the fruits, so they may be grateful.


Our Lord, indeed, You know what we conceal and what we reveal.             38

And not anything is hidden from God in the earth and in heaven.


All praise is for God Who granted me in old age Ishmael and Isaac.            39

Indeed, my Lord is surely Hearer of the prayer.


My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer,                                                  40

And among my offspring, our Lord, and accept my prayer.


Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the faithful                                   41

The day the reckoning comes to pass.


And do not reckon that Allāh is unaware of what the iniquitous do.             42

He only gives them respite until a day the eyes stare in it,


Racing ahead, their heads raised up, not returning to them their gaze,          43

And their hearts buffeted.


And warn humanity of a day punishment comes to them.                              44

Then those who did wrong will say:  Reprieve us for a short term,

We will answer Your call and we will follow the messengers.

Had you not sworn before there was not for you any end?


And you lived in the dwellings of those who wronged themselves.               45

And it became clear to you how We dealt with them,

And We struck for you parables.


And certainly they plotted their plot, but God had their plot,                         46

Even if their plot was to disappear mountains by it.


So do not think that God will fail to keep His promise to His messengers.    47

Indeed God is the Almighty Owner of Retribution.


A day the earth is changed by other than the earth, and the heavens,             48

And they will come forth before God, the One, the Irresistible.


And you will see the criminals that day bound together in chains,                 49


Their garments of tar,                                                                                      50

And the fire will cover their faces,


So that God may recompense each soul for what it earned.                            51

Indeed, Allāh is the Swiftest of Reckoning.


This is a conveyance for humanity that they be warned by it,                        52

And that they may know that He is One God,

And that people of understanding may remember.


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