25  Sūrat al Furqān ~ the Distinction



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                   0


Blessed is He Who sent down the distinction upon His servant                   1

That he may be to the worlds a warner,


The One to Whom belongs dominion of the heavens and the earth.             2

And He has not taken a son.

And there is no partner for Him in the dominion.

And He created everything,

And ordained it implicitly.


Yet they have taken gods besides Him, gods that do not create anything,    3

And they are created,

And do not possess for themselves any harm and not any benefit.

And they do not control death,

And not life,

And not resurrection.


And those who disbelieve say:  This is not but a lie.                                     4

He invented it, and other people helped him with it.

But certainly they have brought an injustice and a lie.


And they say:  Tales of earlier ones which he has written,                            5

And they are dictated to him morning and evening.


Say:  He sent it down,                                                                                     6

The One Who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth.

Indeed, He is forgiving, merciful.


And they say:                                                                                                  7

Why does this messenger eat food and walk in the markets?

Why is an angel not sent down to him so he would be with him a warner?


Or is a treasure delivered to him?                                                                   8

Or is there a garden for him from which he eats?

And say the unjust:  You follow not but a man enchanted.


See how they strike examples for you, but they go astray,                             9

So they are not capable of a way.


Blessed is He Who, if He wills, has made for you better than that,               10

Gardens, rivers flowing from beneath, and has made palaces for you.


No, they deny the hour.                                                                                   11

And We have prepared for those who deny the hour a blaze.


When it sees them from a far place, they hear its raging and groaning.         12


And when they are thrown there in a narrow place bound in chains,             13

There they will beg for annihilation.


Do not call this day for one annihilation, but call for many annihilations.     14


Say:  Is that better, or the garden of eternity                                                   15

Which is promised to the pious?

It is for them a recompense and a destination.


For them in it is what they wish, abiding forever.                                           16

It is a promise accountable upon your Lord.


And the day He gathers them and what they worship besides God,                17

Then He will say:  Did you mislead these My servants,

Or did they stray from the way?


They say:  Glory to You,                                                                                  18

It was not proper that we took besides You any protectors.

But You gave them and their fathers comforts,

Until they forgot the message and became a lost people.


Thus they certainly deny you in what you say,                                                19

So you cannot divert and not help.

And who does wrong among you,

We make him taste a great punishment.


And We did not send any messengers before you, except                               20

Indeed, they surely ate food and walked in the markets.

And We made some of you a trial for others.

Will you be patient?

And your Lord is comprehending.


And say those who do not anticipate meeting Us:                                           21

Why are not the angels sent down to us or we see our Lord?

Certainly they are arrogant in themselves and insolent, great insolence.


The day they see the angels,                                                                            22

There is no good news that day for the criminals,

And they say:  A barrier placed under guard.


And We shall advance to what they did of their deeds,                                   23

And so make them scattered dust.


The companions of the garden that day,                                                          24

A better abode and the best resting place.


And the day the sky breaks with the clouds                                                    25

And the angels are sent down, descending,


Sovereignty that day is truly for the Compassionate,                                      26

And it shall be a difficult day for the faithless.


And the day the wrongdoer shall bite on his hands.                                        27

He will say:  O, I wish I had adopted a way with the messenger.


O woe to me.  I wish I had not taken that one as a friend.                               28


Truly, he led me astray after the reminder came to me.                                   29

And the perverter is to humanity a deserter.


And said the messenger:  O my Rabb,                                                             30

Indeed, my people assumed this Qur’ān abandoned.


And thus We made for every prophet an enemy among the criminals.           31

But sufficient is your Lord a guide and a helper.


And say those who disbelieve:                                                                         32

Why was the Qur’ān not revealed to him altogether at once?

It is like that, so that with it We fortify your heart,

And we have articulated it in a cadence.


And they do not bring you an example but We bring you the truth,                33

And the best explanation.


Those who are gathered on their faces to jahannam,                                       34

Those are disastrous [in] position, and most astray from the way.


And certainly We gave Moses the book,                                                          35

And We appointed with him his brother Aaron, an assistant.


Then We said: Both of you go to the people who have denied Our signs.       36

Then We destroyed them, annihilated.


And the people of Noah, when they denied the messengers,                           37

We drowned them, and We made them a sign for humanity.

And We have prepared for the oppressors a painful punishment.


And ‘Ād and Thamūd and the dwellers of Arrass,                                           38

And many generations between that.


And each We have set forth for it the examples.                                              39

And each we destroyed, annihilated.


And truly, they have come upon the village which was showered                   40

A rain of evil.  So did they not see it?

No, they are not expecting resurrection.


And when they see you, they take you not but in mockery.                             41

Is this the one whom God has sent as a messenger?


He nearly misled us from our gods,                                                                  42

If not that we had stood fast on them.

And soon they will know when they see the punishment,

Who is more astray from the way.


Have you seen one who takes his craving as his god?                                      43

Then would you be a manager over him?


Or do you think that most of them hear or understand?                                    44

They are not except like cattle.

No, they are more astray from the way.


Do you not see to your Lord, how He extends the shadow?                             45

And if He willed, surely He had made it stationary.

Then We made the sun a pointer to it.


Then We pulled it to Us, an effortless seizure.                                                  46


And He is the One Who made for you the night like a cloak,                           47

And sleep a rest, and made day a resurrection.


And He is the One Who sends the winds as good news                                    48

Between the hands of His mercy.

And We send down from the sky pure water,


That We give life by it to a dead land,                                                               49

And We give drink from it to those We created,

Many cattle and people.


And certainly We have distributed it among them so they remember,              50

But most of the people refuse except disbelief.


And if We willed, surely We had raised in every town a warner.                     51


So do not obey the faithless, and strive against them with it,                           52

A great striving.


And He is the One Who suspended the two seas,                                             53

This one potable, sweet,

And this one salty and bitter.

And He made between them a barrier and a separator dividing.


And He is the One Who created from water the human being,                        54

And made for him blood kinship and marriage kinship.

And your Rabb is powerful.


But they serve besides God what does not profit them nor harm them.           55

And the faithless is a helper against his Rabb.


And We did not send you except as a bringer of good news and a warner.     56


Say:  I do not ask you any payment for it,                                                        57

Except who wills to adopt a way to His Rabb.


And put your trust in the Ever Living, the One Who does not die.                  58

And glorify His praise.

And sufficient is He, with regard to the sins of his servants, aware,


The One Who created the heavens and the earth,                                            59

And what is between them, in six days,

Then mounted the throne, the Compassionate.

So ask Him, All Aware.


And when it is said to them:  Prostrate to the Compassionate,                        60

They say:  What is the Compassionate?

Do we prostrate to what you order us?

And it increases their aversion.


Blessed is He Who made constellations in the sky,                                         61

And placed in it a lamp and an illuminated moon.


And He is the One Who made the night and the day in succession                62

For whoever wants to remember or whoever wants to be grateful.


And the servants of the Compassionate                                                           63

Are those who walk on the earth in humility.

And when the ignorant ones address them, they say:  Peace.


And those who spend the night before their Lord prostrating and standing.   64


And those who say:  Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of hell.            65

Indeed, the punishment is obligatory.


Indeed, it is a wretched abode and resting place.                                             66


And those who when they spend are not excessive and not stingy,                 67

But are between that, proper,


And those who do not invoke with God another god,                                      68

And do not kill the soul which God has forbidden, except by right,

And do not have unlawful sexual relations.

And whoever does that will face a penalty.


The punishment will be doubled for him on the day of the standing,              69

And he will abide in it, humiliated.


Except one who repents and has faith and does virtuous deeds,                      70

Then for those, God will replace their evil deeds with good ones.

And God is forgiving, merciful.


And whoever repents and does virtuous deeds,                                                71

Then indeed he turns to God with repentance.


And those who do not bear witness to falsehood,                                             72

And when they pass by vain talk, they pass as dignified ones,


And those who when they are reminded of the signs of their Rabb,                 73

Do not fall upon them deaf and blind,


And those who say:                                                                                            74

Our Rabb, grant to us from our spouses and our offspring

A comfort to our eyes, and make us a leader for the God conscious,


Those will be awarded the upper chamber because they were patient,             75

And they will be met in it with greetings and peace,


Abiding forever in it.                                                                                          76

It is a good settlement and appointment.


Say:  My Lord is indifferent to you if your prayer is not to Him.                      77

But certainly you have denied, so there shall be the obligation.


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