40  Sūrat Ghāfir ~ Forgiver



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                      0


Ḥa  Mīm                                                                                                           1


The revelation of the book is from Allāh, the Almighty, the Knower,            2


The Forgiver of sin, and the Acceptor of repentance,                                     3

Severe of punishment, Owner of the extent.

There is no god except He.

To Him is the ultimate destination.


Except for those who disbelieve,                                                                     4

They do not dispute the signs of Allāh,

So do not let their restlessness in the countries deceive you.


The people of Noah denied before them, and the factions after them,            5          

And every nation plotted against their messenger, to seize him.

And they disputed by falsehood, using it to refute the truth.

So I seized them.  Then how was My penalty?


And like that the word of your Rabb has been proven true                             6

Against those who disbelieved, that they are companions of the fire.


Those who carry the throne and who are around it                                         7

Glorify their Lord with praise of Him,

And have faith in Him,

And ask forgiveness for those who have faith:

Our Rabb, You encompass all things with mercy and knowledge,

So forgive those who turn and follow Your way,

And save them the punishment of the inferno,


Our Rabb,                                                                                                        8

And admit them to gardens of permanence,

Which you have promised them and whoever was virtuous

Among their fathers and their spouses and their descendants.

Surely You, You are the Almighty, the Wise.


And save them from the evils.                                                                         9

And whoever You save from the evils that day,

Then certainly You have had mercy on him,

And that is the great victory.


Indeed, those who disbelieved will be called:                                                10

Certainly Allāh’s aversion

Was greater than your hatred of yourselves

When you were called to the faith, and you disbelieved.


They say:  Our Rabb,                                                                                      11

You caused us death twice,

And You gave us life twice,

And we acknowledge our sins.

So is there any way to get out?


That is because when Allāh Alone was invoked you disbelieved,                 12

But if partners were associate with Him, you believed.

So the judgment is with God, the [Most] High, the Great.


He is the One Who shows you His signs,                                                       13

And sends provision down for you from the sky.

And who does not take heed except the one who turns [to repent].


So call Allāh, being sincere to Him in the religion,                                       14

Even though the disbelievers detest it.


Exalted above degrees, Owner of the throne,                                                 15

He casts the spirit of His commands

On all whom He wills of His servants,

To warn of the day of the meeting.


The day they come forth,                                                                                16

Nothing about them is hidden from Allāh,

Whose is the dominion this day?

It is for Allāh, the One, the Irresistible.


This day every soul will be recompensed for what it earned,                        17

No injustice today.

Indeed, Allāh is the Swiftest of Reckoning.


And warn them of the day drawing near,                                                       18

When hearts are choking at the throats.

Not for the wrongdoers will there be any intimate friend,

And no intercessor obeyed.


God knows the treachery of the eyes and what the breasts conceal.              19


And God judges in truth,                                                                                20

And those they invoke other than God, they do not judge a thing.

Truly God is the Hearer, the Seer.


Do they not travel in the earth,                                                                       21

And see how was the end of those who were before them?

They were superior to them in strength and footsteps in the land,

But Allāh seized them for their sins,

And there was not for them any protector against God.


That, because messengers had come to them with clear proofs,                    22

But they disbelieved.

So Allāh seized them.

Indeed Allāh is powerful, severe in punishment.


And certainly We sent Moses with Our signs and a clear authority               23


To Pharaoh [Fir‘aūn], Hāmān, and Qārūn,                                                     24

But they said:  A sorcerer, liar.


Then when he came to them with the truth from Us,                                     25

They said:  Kill the sons of those who believe with him.

And let their women live.

And not is the plot of the faithless ones but in error.


And Pharaoh said:  Leave me [while] I kill Moses.                                       26

And let him call his Lord.

Indeed I fear that he will change your religion,

Or that he may make corruption appear in the land.


And Moses said:  Indeed I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord                27

From every arrogant one who does not believe in the day of the reckoning.


And said a believing man from the family of Pharaoh who hid his faith:     28

Will you kill a man because he says my Lord is Allāh?

And, indeed, he has come to you with clear proofs from your Lord?

And if he is a liar, then on him is his lie,

And if he is truthful,

Some will strike you of that with which he threatens you.

Indeed, God does not guide one who is a transgressor, a liar.


O my people, for you the kingdom today is dominant in the land,                29

But who will save us from God’s torment if it came to us?

Said Pharaoh:  I only show you what I sLe,

And I do not guide you except to the way of the rightly guided.


And the one who believed said:                                                                     30

O my people, indeed I fear for you,

Like the day of the confederates,


Like the plight of the people of Noah,                                                           31

And ‘Ād and Thamūd, and those after them.

And God does not want injustice for slaves.


And O my people, truly I fear for you the day of the summoning,                32


A day you will turn back, fleeing.                                                                   33

There will not be for you any protector from God

And whoever God lets go astray, then for him there is not any guide.


And certainly Yūsuf came to you before with clear proofs,                           34

But you did not cease doubt about what he brought to you

Until he died, when you said:

Never will Allāh raise after him a messenger.

Thus does Allāh let wander astray one who is a transgressor, a doubter.


Those who dispute about the signs of Allāh                                                   35

Without any authority having been brought to them

Is greatly hateful near God and near those who believe.

Thus Allāh puts a seal over the heart of every arrogant tyrant.


And said Pharaoh:  O Hāmān,                                                                        36

Build me a tower that I may attain the ways,


Ways to the heavens so I might ascend to the God of Moses.                        37

And indeed, I surely think he is a liar.

And thus was made pleasing to Pharaoh the evil of his deed,

And he was averted from the way.

And not was the plot of Pharaoh but a shambles.


And said the one who believed:  O my people, follow me.                            38

I will guide show you the way of right guidance.


O my people, only this, the life of the world is an enjoyment,                       39

And indeed the hereafter is the home of abiding.


Whoever does an evil,                                                                                     40

Then he will not be recompensed except with the like of it.

And whoever does virtuous deeds, of male or female,

While a believer, then those will enter paradise.

They will be given provision in it without reckoning.


And, O my people, what is for me that I call you to redemption,                   41

While you call me to the fire?


You call me to disbelieving in God,                                                                42

And joining partners of which I have no knowledge with God.

And I call you to the Almighty, the Forgiving.


No doubt about that to which you call me,                                                     43

There is not for it a claim in this world and not in the hereafter,

And our return is to God.

And the transgressors, they are the companions of fire.


And you will remember what I say to you,                                                     44

And I entrust my affair to God.

Surely, God is aware of His slaves.


So God saved him from the evils they plotted,                                               45

And He beset the people of Pharaoh the calamity of all torment,


The fire,                                                                                                           46

They are exposed to it morning and evening.

And the day of the standing at the hour,

Make the people of Pharaoh enter the most intense punishment.


And when they debate in the fire,                                                                   47

Then the feeble ones will say to the arrogant:

Surely we were for you followers,

So can you avert from us a portion of the fire?


Those who were arrogant will say:  Indeed, we are all in it.                          48

Indeed, Allāh certainly has judged between His slaves.


And those in the fire will say to the keepers of the inferno:                           49

Call your lord to lessen for us a day of the punishment.


They say:  Did there not come to you messengers with clear proofs?           50

They say:  Yes.

They say:  Then call.  But the call of the deniers is not but in error.


Indeed, We will certainly succor Our messengers,                                        51

And those with faith in the life of the world.


And on the day when the witnesses stand,                                                     52

Their excuse will not profit the wrongdoers.

And for them is the curse and for them is the calamity of all homes.


And certainly We gave Moses the guidance,                                                 53

And We bequeathed the children of Israel the book,


A guide and a reminder for those of intelligence.                                          54


So be patient.  Indeed, the promise of Allāh is true.                                      55

And ask forgiveness for your sin,

And sing the praise of your Lord in the evening and morning.


Surely those who dispute as to the signs of Allāh,                                         56

Without any authority having come to them,

There is not in their breasts but great pride, not that they merit it.

So seek refuge in Allāh.

Truly, He is the Hearer, the Seer.


Surely, the creation of the heavens and the earth                                           57

Is greater than the creation of all human beings,

But most of the people do not know.


And they are not equal, the blind and the seeing,                                          58

And those who believe and do virtuous deeds,

And not the evil one,

Little of which you take heed.


Indeed, the hour is surely coming.                                                                 59

There is no doubt of it,

But most of humanity does not believe.


And said your Lord:  Call on Me.  I will reply to you.                                  60

Indeed, the ones who are too proud to serve Me

Shall enter the inferno in humiliation.


Allāh is the One who established the night for you,                                      61

That you may rest in it, and the day giving visibility.

Truly Allāh is abundant of grace toward humanity,

Yet most of the people do not give thanks.


Such is God, your Rabb, Creator of all things.                                              62

There is no god except He, so how are you deluded?


Thus were deluded those who were rejecting the signs of Allāh.                  63


Allāh is the One who made the earth for you an abiding place,                     64

And the sky a canopy,

And He formed you,

And perfected your forms,

And provided you of the good things,

Such is Allāh, your Rabb.

Then blessed is Allāh the Lord of the worlds.


He is the Ever Living.                                                                                     65

There is no god but He,

So call Him, sincere to Him in the religion.

All praise is to God, the Lord of the worlds.


Say:  Truly I am forbidden to serve those whom you call besides Allāh,      66

When have come to me the clear proofs from my Rabb,

And I am commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds.


He is the One Who created you from dust,                                                     67

Then from a semen drop,

Then from a clinging substance,

Then brings you out a child,

Then lets you reach your maturity,

Then lets you become old

And among you is he who dies before,

And lets you reach an appointed term that you may use reason.


He is the One who gives life and the One who causes death.                        68

And when He decrees a matter,

Then only He says to it:  Be

And it is.


Do you not see to those who dispute concerning the signs of Allāh,             69

How they are turned away,


Those who deny the book and what We sent with it, Our messengers?         70

But soon they shall know.


When the iron collars are around their necks,                                                71

And the chains,

They will be dragged


In the scalding water,                                                                                      72

Then in the fire they will be burned.


Then it will be said to them:                                                                           73

Where is that which you used to associate


Other than Allāh?                                                                                           74

They will say:

They have departed from us.

No, we did not used to call anything before.

Like that, Allāh lets the faithless wander astray.


That is because you used to revel in the earth without the right,                   75

And because you were insolent.


Enter the gates of the inferno, abiding forever in it,                                      76

And wretched is the abode of the arrogant.


So be patient, indeed, the promise of Allāh is true.                                       77

And whether We show you some of what we promised them,

Or We cause you to die,

Then to Us shall they be returned.


And certainly We sent messengers before you.                                             78

Among them are who We have related to you,

And among them are who We have not narrated to you.

And it is not for any messenger that he brings a sign,

Except by the permission of Allāh.

So when the command of Allāh comes,

It will be decided in truth.

And there the liars shall lose.


Allāh is the One Who made the cattle for you,                                              79

That you ride some of them and some of them you eat.


And for you there are benefits in them,                                                          80

That you attain through them a need in your breasts.

And upon them and on ships you are carried.


And He shows you His signs.                                                                         81

Then which of the signs of God will you deny?


Do they not travel in the land and see                                                             82

How was the end of those who were before them?

They were more numerous than them,

And mightier in strength, and footprints in the land,

But their worldly gains did not avail them.


So when their messengers came to them with clear proofs,                           83

They exulted in what they had of knowledge,

And were surrounded by what they used to mock.


So when they saw Our affliction,                                                                    84

They said:  We believe in Allāh Alone,

And we disbelieve in what we used to associate with Him.


But their faith did not benefit them once they saw Our punishment.              85

Such is the way of Allāh which has certainly proceed among His slaves.

And there the faithless are lost.