Bismillāh ir Raḥmān ir Raḥīm

Laylat al Qadr, the Night of Power

Among the many beautiful shorter sūrāt of the 30th juz of the Qur’ān is the 97th sūrah,

Sūrat al Qadr ~ Power. 

This sūrah refers to the night when the first revelation from God was sent to the prophet Muḥammad,

allā llāhu ‘alayhi wa ’ālihī wa sallam.  This is said to have occurred sometime during the last ten days

of the month of Ramaḍān.  Since that time it has been referred to as Laylat al Qadr, the night of power.

Indeed, the verses of Sūrat al Qadr are as sublime as the night itself, anticipated by most to occur on

one of the odd numbered days occurring during the last ten days of the blessed month.

And what can make you know what the night of power is?        Q 97:2

The night of power is better than a thousand months.                 Q 97:3

Although the date is indeterminate, many mosques simply schedule an observance for Laylat al Qadr,

Sunnis most often on the 27th of Ramaḍān, and Shi‘a typically on the 23rd.

According to the traditions previously mentioned, in fact, any odd night from 19 Ramaḍān on,

which begins tonight, Friday April 30th, may be Laylat al Qadr.  The next one is Sunday night

May 2nd.  And then Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday night, May 8, the 27th of Ramaḍān, or

Monday May 10th.  Any one of these may be the blessed night of so much grace. 

What a great incentive to strive to guard and to increase our taqwa on these nights,

to engage in uplifting pursuits, to be mindful, to open our hearts, to be grateful and patient,

yet actively engaged each night in being awake and aware when such a grace may descend upon us.

What a blessed time this month of Ramaḍān is. And yet still, this exquisite night of grace

and power, Laylat ul Qadr, this one night, is “better than a thousand months.”

Ramaḍān Kareem

Rasheed, 19 Ramaān 1442


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