31  Sūrat Luqmān ~ Luqmān



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                     0


Alif  Lām  Mīm                                                                                               1


These are verses of the wise book,                                                                 2


A guidance and a mercy for doers of good,                                                    3


Those who establish the prayer and give charity,                                           4

And they are certain of the hereafter [al ākhira].


Those are on a guidance from their Rabb,                                                      5

And they are the successful ones.


And of humanity,                                                                                             6

He who purchases amusing tales to mislead from the way of Allāh,

Is without knowledge and takes it in mockery.

For them is a humiliating punishment.


And when Our verses are recited to him                                                         7

He turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them,

As if in his ears is deafness.

So give him news of a painful punishment.


Indeed, those who believe and who do virtuous deeds,                                  8

For them are gardens of bliss to dwell in forever.


The promise of Allāh is true,                                                                           9

And He is the Almighty, the Wise.


He created the heavens without supports that you see,                                  10

And has cast in the earth foundations lest it might shake you.

And He dispersed in it creatures of all [kinds].

And We sent down water from the sky,

And then We caused to grow in it every kind of noble [vegetation].


This is the creation of Allāh.                                                                          11

So show me what those besides Him have created.

No, the wrongdoers are in clear error.


And certainly we gave Luqmān the wisdom,                                                 12

That he be grateful to Allāh.

And whoever is grateful, then he is only grateful for himself.

And whoever is ungrateful,

Then truly, God is self sufficient, praiseworthy.


And when Luqmān said to his son as he admonished him:                           13

O my son, do not ascribe partners to God.

Indeed, associating partners is a great injustice.


And We have charged man with regard to his parents.                                  14

His mother bore him in weakness upon weakness,

And his weaning in two years.

Be grateful to Me, and to your parents,

That toward Me is the destination.


But if they strive against you,                                                                         15

Over [that] you should associate partners with Me,

Of which you do not have any knowledge,

Then do not obey either of them in that,

But accompany them both in the world with kindness.

And follow the way of who turns to Me.

Then to Me is your return.

Then I shall inform you of what you used to do.


O my child, indeed,                                                                                         16

If it be the weight of a grain of a mustard seed,

And it be in a rock,

Or in the heavens,

Or in the earth,

Allāh shall bring it forth.  Indeed, God is subtle, [all] aware.


O my child, establish prayer,                                                                          17

And charge with what is right and prevent what is wrong,

And be patient over whatever befalls you.

Truly these matters require your determination.


And do not turn your cheek to mankind,                                                        18

And do not walk on the earth insolently.

Surely Allāh does not love every arrogant boaster.


And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice.                                    19

Surely the harshest of sounds is the braying of donkeys.


Do you not see that Allāh has subjected to you                                              20

What is in the heavens and earth,

And abundantly bestowed upon you His graces,

Manifest and hidden?

But among the people are who dispute with respect to Allāh,

Having no knowledge,

And no guidance,

And no enlightening book.


And when it is said to them:                                                                            21

Follow what God has revealed,

They say:  No, we will follow what we found our ancestors on,

Even if the shayṭān summons them to the blaze.


And whoever submits his face to Allāh, while being a doer of good,            22

Then certainly he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold.

And to Allāh is the end of the matters.


And whoever disbelieves,                                                                               23

Do not let his disbelief grieve you.

To Us is their return,

Then We shall show them of what they have done.

Indeed Allāh is the Knower of what is in the breasts.


We grant them enjoyment a little,                                                                   24

Then We shall compel them to a stern punishment.


And if you ask them who created the heavens and the earth,                         25

They will surely say:  God.

Say:  All praise is to God.

But most of them do not know.


To God belongs what is in the heavens and the earth.                                    26

Truly, Allāh is the One without need, the One worthy of praise.


And if what is in the earth of trees [were] pens,                                             27

And the seas filled them, first one, and then seven seas,

The words of God would not be exhausted.

Indeed, Allāh is almighty, wise.


Not is your creation and not is your resurrection except as a single soul.      28                    

Indeed, Allāh is hearing, seeing.


Do you not see that Allāh interposes night in the day,                                    29

And interposes the day in the night,

And has subjected the sun and the moon,

Each moving for a specified term,

And that God is aware of what you do?


That is because God [Allāh] is the Truth,                                                        30

And that what they call beside God is falsehood,

And that Allāh is the Most High, the Most Great.


Do you not see that the ships sail through the sea by the grace of God,          31

That He may show you of His signs?

Indeed, in that there are surely signs for everyone who is patient, grateful.


And when a wave covers them like awnings,                                                  32

They call to God [as] sincere ones in the religion,

But when He delivers them to the land,

Then among them are ones who equivocate.

And none disavow Our signs except every ungrateful traitor.


O humanity, fear your Rabb,                                                                            33

And dread the day a father cannot avail for his son,

And a son cannot avail for his father anything.

Surely the promise of Allāh is true.

So do not let the life of the world deceive you,

And do not let the deceiver fool you with regard to Allāh.


Indeed, with Allāh is the knowledge of the hour,                                            34

And He sends down the rain,

And knows what is in the wombs.

And no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow.

And no soul knows in what land it will die.

Truly Allāh is knowing, aware.