Sūrat An Nisā’ ~ the Women



In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful                                     0


O you humankind,                                                                                          1

Fear your Lord,

The One Who created you from a single soul,

And created from it its mate,

And propagated from the two of them many men and women.

And revere Allāh, by Whose means you ask it, and the wombs.

Indeed, Allāh is observant over you.


And give to the orphans their wealth,                                                            2

And do not exchange the bad for the good.

And do not absorb their wealth into your wealth.

Indeed, it is a great offense.


And if you fear you will not be able to do justice with the orphans,             3

Then marry what is good to you from among the women,

Two, or three, or four.

But if you fear you cannot be equitable, then marry one,

Or what your right hand possesses.

That is more appropriate, that you do not oppress.

And give the women their endowment graciously.                                        4

But if they give to you anything of it themselves,

Then consume it pleasurably, healthily.


And do not give the foolish your wealth,                                                       5

Which was made by Allāh for you as a support,

But provide for them with it and clothe them,

And speak to them words of kindness.


And test the orphans until they reach marriage,                                             6

Then if you perceive in then sound guidance,

Then deliver their wealth to them.

And do not consume it excessively or suddenly,

[Knowing] that they will grow up.

And whoever is rich, then he should refrain.

And whoever is poor, then let him consume of it judiciously.

So when you deliver their wealth to them, then call witnesses on it.

And Allāh is a sufficient reckoner.


For men, a share of what is left by parents and near relatives,                      7

And for women, a share of what is left by parents and near relatives,

Of what is a little of it or a lot, a mandatory share.


And when the relatives and the orphans and the poor are present                 8

At the first division, then provide for them from it,

And speak words of benefit to them.


And let fear those who, if they left behind them weak offspring,                  9

Would have feared for them.

So let them fear Allāh and let them speak appropriate words.


Indeed, those who consume the wealth of orphans unjustly,                         10

They only consume fire in their bellies,

And they will be burned in a blaze.


Allāh instructs you concerning your children,                                               11

For the male, like the portion of two females.

But if there are only women, more than two,

Then for them two thirds of what he left.

And if there is one, then for her is half.

And for his parents, for each one of them a sixth of what he left,

If there is for him a child.

But if there is not for him any child, and his parents inherit him,

Then for his mother is one third.

And if there are for him brothers and sisters,

Then for his mother one sixth, from after any will he made of it, or debt.

Your parents and your children,

You do not know which is nearer to you in benefit,

An obligation from Allāh.

Indeed, Allāh is knowing, wise.


And for you is half of what your wives left,                                                  12

If there is not for them a child.

But if there is for them a child,

Then for you is one fourth of what they left,

From after any will they made for it, or debt.

And for them is one fourth of what you left,

If there is not for you a child.

But if there is for you a child,

Then for them is one eighth of what you left,

From after any will you made for it, or debt.

And if there is a man or woman who is inherited without anyone

[Parent or child], and for him [or her] is a brother or a sister,

Then for each one of the two is a sixth.

But if they are more than that, then they are partners in one third,

From after any will he made for it, or debt, without harming.

An instruction from Allāh.

And Allāh is knowing, discerning.


These are the limits of Allāh.                                                                         13

And whoever obeys Allāh and His messenger,

He will admit him to gardens from beneath which rivers flow,

Abiding in it.

And that is the great success.


And whoever disobeys Allāh and His messenger,                                         14

And transgresses His limits,

He will admit him to fire, abiding in it.

And for him is a humiliating punishment.


And those from your women who commit immorality,                                 15

Then call to witness against them four among you.

And if they testify,

Then confine them in their houses until death comes to them,

Or Allāh makes for them a way.


And the two among you who commit it, then punish both of them.              16

But if they repent and reform themselves,

Then turn away from both of them.

Indeed, Allāh is accepting of repentance, merciful.


The acceptance of repentance by Allāh                                                          17

Is only for those who do evil in ignorance, then repent soon after.

Then those have forgiveness of Allāh upon them.

And Allāh is knowing, wise.


And the acceptance of repentance is not for those who do evil                     18

Until when one of them approaches death,

He says:  Indeed, I repent now.

And not those who die while them are faithless.

Those, We have prepared for them a painful punishment.


O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by force,        19

Nor to constrain them so you may take part of what you have given them,

Unless they commit open immorality.

And live with them in kindness.

But if you dislike them,

Then perhaps you dislike a thing in which Allāh placed much good.


And if you intend substituting a wife in place of a wife                                20

And you have given one of them great riches,

Then do not take anything away from it.

Would you take it by slander and a manifest sin?


And how could you take it,                                                                            21

When certainly one of you has gone to another

And they have taken from you a solemn covenant?


And do not marry of the women whom your fathers married,                       22

Except what has already happened in the past.

Indeed, it was an immorality and hateful and an evil way.


Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters,      23

And your father’s sisters and your mother’s sisters,

And daughters of brothers and daughters of sisters,

And the mothers who nursed you and your sisters from the nursing,

And the mothers of your wives,

And your stepdaughters of women with whom you have gone in

Who are in your guardianship.

But if you have not gone in with them, then there is no sin on you.

And wives of your sons, those who are from your loins,

And that you gather together between two sisters,

Except what has already happened in the past.

Indeed, Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


And unapproachable are ones who are married of the women,                     24

Except whom your right hands possess.

The decree of Allāh is upon you.

And lawful to you are what is beyond that,

That you seek with your wealth, being chaste, not lustful.

So what you benefit of it from them,

Then you give them their obligatory bridal endowment.

And there is no sin on you in what you mutually agree upon

From beyond the obligation.

Indeed, Allāh is knowing, wise.


And whoever among you is not able to afford to marry free, chaste,            25

Believing women,

Then [marry] from what your right hands possess of your slaves,

The believers.

And Allāh knows about your faith.

You are of one another.

So marry them with their family’s permission,

And give them their bridal endowment in a honorable manner,

Chaste ones, not those who are immoral,

And not those who take secret lovers.

So when they are married, then if they commit adultery,

Then for them is half of the punisment that is upon free chaste women.

That is for whoever fears to suffer among you.

And that you are patient is better for you.

And Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


Allāh wants to make clear to you,                                                                  26

And to guide you to ways of those from before you,

And to accept repentance from you.

And Allāh is knowing, wise.


And Allāh wants to accept repentance from you,                                          27

But those who follow the passions desire that you deviate,

A great deviation.


Allāh wants to lighten [your burden] for you.                                                28

And humanity was created weak.


O you who believe, do not consume your wealth between you vainly,         29

But let there be business of mutual consent among you.

And do not kill yourselves.

Indeed, Allāh is merciful to you.


And whoever does that aggressively and unjustly,                                        30

Then soon We shall burn him in a fire.

And that for Allāh is easy.


If you avoid great [sins] from which you are forbidden,                                31

We shall remove from you your evil deeds,

And We shall admit you to a noble entrance.


And do not desire that with which Allāh has bestowed some of you             32

Over others.

For men is a share of what they earned,

And for women is a share of what they earned.

And ask Allāh of His bounty.

Indeed, Allāh is knowing of everything.


And for all, We have made heirs of what is left by parents and relatives.      33

And those whom your right hands pledged, then give them their share.

Indeed, Allāh is over everything a witness.


Men are guardians of women,                                                                         34

Because Allāh has favored some of them over others,

And because they spend from their wealth.

So virtuous women are obedient,

Guarding in the [husband’s] absence that which Allāh guards.

And those from whom you fear rebellion,

Then advise them, and shun them in bed, and leave them.

Then if they obey you, then do not seek a way against them.

Indeed, Allāh is exalted, great.


And if you fear a rift between the two of them,                                             35

Then send an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family.

If they both want reconciliation,

Then Allāh will bring reconciliation between both of them.

Indeed, Allāh is knowing, aware.


And serve Allāh, and do not associate anything with Him.                           36

And with both parents do right,

And with relatives and orphans and the poor,

And the neighbor who is close and the next neighbor,

And the companion next to you, and the traveler,

And what your right hands possess.

Indeed, Allāh does not love the one who is a pretender and a braggart,


Those who are stingy and command people by means of stinginess,            37

And hide what Allāh has given them of His bounty.

And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.


And those who spend their wealth to be seen by people,                               38

And do not believe in Allāh, and not in the last day,

And whoever has the deceiver for his companion, then and evil companion.


And what is on them if they believed in Allāh and the last day,                    39

And spent from what Allāh provided them?

And Allāh concerning them is a knower.


Indeed, Allāh wrongs not an atom’s weight.                                                  40

And if there is a good, He doubles it,

And gives from His Presence a great reward.


So then how, when We bring from every nation a witness,                            41

And We bring you against these [people as] a witness?


On that day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger                 42

Will wish they were covered with earth.

And they will not be able to hide a conversation from Allāh.


O you who believe, do not approach prayer while you are inebriated,           43

Until you know what you are saying,

And not while impure, except when traveling on a road, until you bathe.

And if you are ill or on a journey, or one of you came from the toilet,

Or you touched women and then can not find water,

Then make intention with clean earth,

And wipe your faces and hands with it.

Indeed, Allāh is pardoning, forgiving.


Do you not see towards those who were given a portion of the book,           44

Exchanging it for error and wanting to stray from the way?


And Allāh knows best about your enemies,                                                   45

And Allāh suffices as a protector,

And Allāh suffices as a helper.


Of those who are Jews, they misconstrue the words from their passages      46

And they say:  We hear and we disobey,

And:  Hear what is not heard,

And:  Observe us,

Twisting with their tongues and slandering the religion.

And if instead they had said:  We hear and we obey,

And:  Hear and see us,

Surely it was better for them and more appropriate.

But Allāh cursed them for their disbelief.                                                                                                                                   

Thus they do not believe, except a few.


O you who were given the book,                                                                    47

Believe in what We sent down,

Confirming what is with you from before,

That We obliterate faces and turn them on their backs,

Or We curse them as We cursed companions of the sabbath.

And the command of Allāh is effective.


Indeed, Allāh does not forgive that partners are ascribed to Him,                 48

But He forgives what is other than that for whom He wills.

And whoever ascribes partners with Allāh,

Then surely he has trumped up a great sin.


Do you not see to those who sanctify themselves?                                        49

No, Allāh sanctifies whom He wills.

And they are not wronged a hair on a date seed.


See how they fabricate falsehood upon Allāh,                                               50

And sufficient thereby a manifest sin.


Do you not see towards those who were given a portion of the book?          51

They believe in idols and transgression,

And they say for those who disbelieve:

These are better guided as to a way than those who believe.


Those are the ones cursed by Allāh.                                                               52

And whoever is cursed by Allāh then you will not find for him a helper.


Or were there for them a share of the dominion,                                            53

Then they would not give the people a speck on a date pit.


Or do they envy the people for what Allāh gave them from His grace?        54

So certainly We gave the family of Ibrāhīm the book and wisdom,

And We gave them a great kingdom.


Then of them are some who believed in it,                                                     55

And of them some who turned away from it.

And sufficient a blaze is hell.


Indeed, those who disbelieved in Our signs,                                                  56

Soon We shall burn them in a fire.

Every time their skins are cooked,

We will exchange their skins for other ones,

So that they may taste the punishment.

Indeed, Allāh is almighty, wise.


And those who believed and did virtuous deeds,                                           57

We shall let them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow,

Abiding in it forever.

In it are pure spouses for them, and We shall admit them in shaded shelter.


Surely, Allāh commands you to discharge trusts to their owners,                 58

And when you judge between people to decide with justice.

Indeed, Allāh excellently advises you in it.

Surely, Allāh is hearing, aware.


O you who have believed, obey Allāh,                                                          59

And obey the messenger and those of authority among  you.

Then if you disagree in anything,

Refer it to Allāh and the messenger.

If you believe in Allāh and the last day,

That is best and a more admirable determination.


Do you not see to those who claim they believe in what is revealed to you, 60

And what was revealed before you?

They want to go to Evil for judgement.

And certainly they were ordered to reject it.

And the deceiver wants to mislead them far astray.


And when it is said to them:  Come to what Allāh sent down,                      61

And to the messenger,

You see the hypocrites turn away from you, averted.


So how, when disaster strikes them for what their hands sent forth,             62

Do they come to you, swearing by Allāh:

We did not desire except good and reconciliation?


Those are the ones whom Allāh knows what is in their hearts.                     63

So turn away from them and admonish them,

And say to them about their souls a penetrating word.


And We did not send any messenger                                                             64

Except to be obeyed by the permission of Allāh,

And if that, when they wronged themselves,

They came to you and asked forgiveness of Allāh,

And the messenger asked forgiveness for them,

Surely they would find Allāh forgiving, merciful.


But no, by your Lord, they do not believe,                                                    65

Until they make you judge in what arises between them.

Then they do not find in themselves any discomfort

About what you decided, and they surrender in submission.


And if We decreed upon them to:  Kill yourselves,                                       66

Or:  Depart from your homes,

They would not have done it, except a few of them.

But if they had done that which they had been instructed,

Surely it would have been better for them,

And more strongly stabilizing.


And then We would have given them from Our presence a great reward.     67


And We would have guided them on a straight path.                                     68


And whoever obeys Allāh and the messenger,                                               69

Then they are with those upon whom Allāh has bestowed favor,

Of the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the virtuous.

And excellent are those friends.


That is grace from Allāh and sufficient is Allāh a knower.                            70


O you who believe, take your precautions,                                                     71

And advance in companies or advance all together.


And indeed among is one who delays, then if disaster strikes you, says:      72

Certainly, God bestowed favor on me since I was not present with them.


And surely if a bounty from God targets you, he would certainly say,          73

As if there were between you and him no affection:

O I wish I were with them, then I would have attained a great success.


So then fight in the way of God                                                                      74

Those who sell worldly life for the hereafter.

And whoever fights in the way of God,

Then who is killed or overcomes,

Then We shall give him a great reward.


And what is with you that you not fight in the way of God,                           75

And for those who are weak among the men,

And the women and the children?

Those who say:  O our Lord bring us out of this town,

The people of which are oppressors,

And appoint for us from Your presence a protector,

And appoint for us from Your presence a helper.


Those who believe fight in the way of God.                                                   76

And those who disbelieve fight in the way of idolatry.

So fight the friends of Satan.   

Indeed, the plot of Satan is weak.


Have you not seen to those to whom it was said:                                           77

Restrain your hands and establish prayer and give charity?

Yet when fighting was decreed upon them, then a group of them

Feared the people like they fear God, or more intense fear, and they said:

Our Lord, why have you decreed fighting on us?

Why not respite us for a short term?

Say:  Enjoyment of the world is little,

And the hereafter is better for whoever has taqwā.

And you will not be harmed [even as much as a] a thread on date pit.


Wherever you are, death will overtake you,                                                   78

Even if you are in lofty towers.

And if any good befalls them, they say:  This is from God.

And if any evil befalls them, they say:  This is from you.

Say:  All is from God.

So what is with these people?

They are not near to understanding any statement.


Whatever befalls you of good is from God,                                                   79

And whatever befalls you of evil is from yourself.

And for the people We sent you as a messenger.

And sufficient is God a witness.


Whoever obeys the messenger has then surely obeyed Allāh.                       80

And whoever turns away,

Then We have not sent you as a guardian over them.


And they proclaim obedience.                                                                        81

Then when they leave from you,

A group of them plan by night other than that which you say.

But Allāh records what they plot by night.

So turn away from them and put trust in Allāh.

And sufficient is Allāh a trustee.


So, do they not ponder the Qur’ān?                                                                82

And if it were from other than Allāh,

Surely they would have found in it much contradiction.


And when a matter of security or fear comes to them, they broadcast it.      83

And if they had referred it to the messenger,

And to those of authority among them,

Surely those who deduce correctly among them would have known it.

And if not for the grace of Allāh upon you, and His mercy,

Surely you would have followed the shayān,

Except a few.


So fight in the way of Allāh.                                                                          84

You are not responsible except for yourself.

And encourage the faithful.

Perhaps Allāh will restrain the strength of those who are faithless.

And Allāh is stronger in might and stronger in punishment.


Whoever intercedes a good intervention shall have for him a share of it.     85

And whoever intercedes an evil intervention

Shall have for him a portion of it.

And God is on everything a sustainer.


And when you are greeted with a greeting,                                                    86

Then greet with better than it, or return it.

Indeed, God is of everything an accountant.


God,                                                                                                                87

There is no god except He.

Certainly He shall gather you to the day of the standing,

No doubt about it.

And who is more truthful in statement than God?


So what is with you that you are two groups regarding the the hypocrites?  88

And Allāh rejected them for what they earned.

Do you wish to guide whom Allāh lets stray?

And whomever God lets stray, then never will you find for him a way.


They wish that you disbelieve as they disbelieved,                                       89

So you would be equal.

So do not take allies from them until they emigrate to the way of Allāh.

But if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them.

And do not take from them any ally and no helper,


Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty,     90

Or those who come to you, their hearts constrained

From fighting you or fighting their people.

And if God had willed,

Surely He would have given them authority over you,

And surely they would have fought you.

So if they withdraw from you and do not fight you,

And offer peace to you,

Then God has not made for you a way against them.


You will find others wanting to be safe from you                                          91

And wanting to be safe from their people.

Each instant they are returned to temptation they are reversed in it.

So if they do not leave you and offer you peace,

And hold back their hands,

Then seize them and kill them wherever you find them.

And those, We made for you against them a clear authority.


And it is not for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake.                    92

And whoever killed a believer by mistake,

Then freeing of a believing slave,

And redemption paid to his family,

Except that they offer charity.

But if he was from a people hostile to you and he was a believer,

Then freeing of a believing slave.

And if he was from a people,

Between whom and you there is a treaty,

Then redemption paid to his family,

And freeing of a believing slave.

And whoever does not meet [it],

Then fasting for two months following,

Turning for forgiveness from God.

And Allāh is knowing, wise.


And whoever kills a believer intentionally then his recompense is hell,       93

Abiding in it.

And the wrath of God has fallen upon him, and He has cursed him,

And He has prepared for him a great punishment.


O you who believe,                                                                                         94

When you set forth in the way of Allāh then distinguish.

And do not say to one who offers you peace:  You are not a believer,

Seeking temporary gains of worldly life,

For with Allāh are benefits abundant.

You were like that before, then Allāh was kind to you, so distinguish.

Indeed, Allāh is aware of what you do.


Not equal are the ones who sit among the faithful,                                        95

Other than the ones of the disabled,

And the ones who strive in the way of Allāh

With their wealth and their lives,

To the ones who sit in ranks.

And [to] all Allāh has promised the best.

Allāh graced the ones who strive

Over the ones who sit with a great reward,


Ranks from Him, and forgiveness and mercy.                                               96

And Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


Indeed, those whom the angels take wronging themselves,                           97

They say:  In what [state] were you?

They say:  We were oppressed in the earth.

They say:  Was the earth of God not spacious,

So that you could emigrate in it?

Then those, their abode is hell, and an evil destination.


Except the weak among the men and the women and the children,               98

Not able to plan, and not guided [on] a way.


Then those, perhaps Allāh will pardon them.                                                 99

And Allāh is pardoning, forgiving.


And whoever emigrates in the way of Allāh                                                  100

Finds in the earth many places of refuge and abundance.

And whoever leaves from his home an emigrant to Allāh and His messenger,

Then death overtakes him,

Then certainly his reward falls upon Allāh.

And Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


And when you travel in the earth,                                                                  101

Then there is no blame upon you that you shorten the prayer,

If you fear that those who disbelieve may trouble you.

Indeed, the disbelievers are for you an evident enemy.


And when you are among them and you lead the prayer for them,               102

Then let a group of them stand with you, and let them take their arms.

So when they have prostrated then let them be behind you,

And let a another group come forward that has not prayed,

And let them pray with you.

And let them take their precautions and their arms.

Those who disbelieve wish you to neglect your arms and your baggage,

So they can lay upon you a single attack.

But there is no blame on you that you lay down your arms

If there is any trouble due to rain, or you are sick,

But take your precautions.

Indeed, Allāh has prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.


Then when you have finished the prayer,                                                      103

Remember Allāh when standing and sitting and [lying] on your sides.

But when you are secure, then establish the prayer.

Indeed, the prayer is decreed for believers [at] set times.


And do not be weak in pursuit of the people.                                                 104

If you are suffering,

Then surely they are suffering like what you are suffering.

And you request from Allāh what they do not request.

And Allāh is knowing, wise.

Indeed, We sent down to you the book with the truth,                                   105

So you may judge between the people with what Allāh has shown you.

And do not be an advocate for the treacherous.


And seek forgiveness of Allāh.                                                                      106

Indeed, Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


And do not argue for those who deceive themselves.                                    107

Indeed, Allāh does not love the one who is treacherous, transgressing.


They hide from the people but they cannot hide from Allāh.                        108

And He is with them when they plot by night,

Words of which He does not approve.

And Allāh is encompassing of what they do.


Here you are, those who argue for them in worldly life.                               109

So who will dispute Allāh for them on the day of the standing,

Or who will be a defender for them?


And whoever does evil or wrongs his soul,                                                    110

Then seeks forgiveness of Allāh,

He will find Allāh forgiving, merciful.


And whoever accumulates a transgression,                                                    111

Then he accumulates it only against himself.

And Allāh is knowing, wise.


And whoever accumulates a fault or a transgression,                                    112

Then accuses an innocent in it,

Then certainly he carries a slander and a manifest transgression.


And if not for the grace of Allāh upon you and His mercy,                           113

Surely a group of them had resolved to mislead you.

But they do not mislead except themselves,

And they will not harm you in anything.

And Allāh has sent down to you the book and the wisdom,

And taught you what you did not know.

And the grace of Allāh upon you is great.


There is no good in much of their secret talk,                                                114

Except he who commands charity or kindness

Or conciliation between people.

And who does that, seeking the approval of Allāh,

Then soon We shall give him a great reward.


And whoever opposes the messenger,                                                            115

After what has been made clear to him of the guidance,

And he follows other than the way of the faithful,

We shall turn him to what he has turned,

And We shall burn him in hell, an evil destination.


Indeed, Allāh does not forgive that partners are associated with Him.          116

But He forgives what is other than that for whom He wills.

And whoever associates partners with Allāh,

Then certainly he strays, straying far.


They do not invoke instead of Him except goddesses,                                  117

And they do not invoke except a rebellious satan.

Allāh cursed him, and he said:                                                                       118

I will surely take from Your servants a designated share.


And I will surely mislead them and surely incite desires in them.                 119

And indeed, I will order them so they surely cut off the ears of cattle.

And indeed, I will order them so they surely change the creation of Allāh.

And whoever takes the satan as an ally instead of Allāh,

Then certainly he has lost a manifest loss.


He promises them and incites desires in them,                                              120

And the satan does not promise them except a delusion.


Those, their abode is hell, and they will not find from it any escape.            121


And those who believe and do virtuous deeds,                                              122

We shall admit them to gardens from underneath which rivers flow,

Abiding in it forever, a promise of Allāh in truth.

And who is more true than Allāh in statement?


Not by your wish, and not by wish of the people of the book,                       123

Whoever does evil shall be recompensed for it.

And he shall not find a protector for him other than Allāh,

And not any helper.


And whoever of male or female does virtuous deeds, and is a believer,       124

Then those shall enter paradise,

And they shall not be wronged a speck on a date pit.


And who is better in religion than the one who submits his face to Allāh,    125

And is a good doer and follows the religion of Abraham upright?

And Abraham was taken by Allāh as a friend.


And to Allāh belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth.          126

And Allāh is of everything encompassing.


And they seek your ruling concerning women.                                              127

Say:  Allāh gives you the ruling about them,

And what is recited to you in the book concerning orphan girls

To whom you do not give what is decreed for them,

Yet you desire to marry them,

And the ones who are weak [or oppressed] among the children,

That you stand for orphans with justice.

And whatever you do of good, then indeed Allāh about it is knowing.


And if a woman fears from her husband brutality or desertion,                    128

Then there is no blame on both of them

To make amends between themselves [in] settlement.

And peacemaking is best.

And souls are motivated by greed.

But if you do good and have taqwā,

Then indeed, Allāh is aware of what you do.


And never will you be able to act justly between wives,                               129

Even if you desired.

So do not lean with all inclination [to one],

And leave her [the other] like the clinging one.

And if you reconcile and have taqwā,

Then indeed, Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


And if they separate, Allāh will enrich each of them from His abundance.  130

And Allāh is encompassing, wise.


And to Allāh belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth.          131

And certainly We have instructed those who were given the book

Before you and yourselves,

To be conscious of God.

But if you disbelieve,

Then indeed, for Allāh is whatever is in the heavens and what is in the earth.

And Allāh is free of need, praiseworthy.


And for Allāh is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth.                  132

And sufficient is Allāh a trustee.


If He wills, He can take you away, O people,                                                133

And bring others.

And Allāh over that is powerful.


Whoever wishes reward of the world,                                                            134

So with Allāh is the the reward of the world and of the hereafter.

And Allāh is hearing, seeing.


O you who believe, be guardians of justice as witnesses to Allāh,                135

Even if it is against yourselves, or parents or relatives,

If he is rich or poor,

For Allāh is nearer to both of them.

So do not follow the desire to deviate [from truth].

And if you distort or refrain, then indeed Allāh is aware of what you do.


O you who believe, believe in God and His messenger,                                136

And the book which He sent down upon His messenger,

And the book which He sent down before.

And whoever disbelieves in Allāh and His angels and His books

And His messengers, and the last day,

Then certainly he is lost, straying far.


Indeed, those who believed, then disbelieved, then again believed,              137

Then disbelieved, then increased in disbelief,

Allāh will not forgive them and will not guide them to a way.


Give news to the hypocrites the for them is a painful punishment.               138


Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the faithful,                        139

Do they seek glory with them?

But then indeed, all glory is for Allāh.


And certainly He sent down to you in the book,                                            140

That when you hear the verses of Allāh being rejected

And being mocked, then do not sit with them,

Until they engage in a conversation other than that.

Surely, you then would be like them.

Indeed, Allāh shall gather the hypocrites and the faithless in hell together.


Those who are waiting for you,                                                                      141

Then if there were a victory for you from Allāh,

They would say:  Were we not with you?

But if there were for the faithless a chance, they would say:

Did we not have advantage over you and protect you from the believers?

And Allāh shall judge between you on the day of the standing,

And never will Allāh make a way for the faithless over the faithful.


Indeed, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allāh, and He deceives them.           142

And when they stand for the prayer, they stand lazily,

Making a show for the people.

And they do not remember Allāh, except a little.


Vacillating between that, not to these and not to those.                                 143

And whoever has been led astray by Allāh,

Then never will you find for him a way.


O you who believe,                                                                                         144

Do not take the faithless as allies instead of the faithful.

Do you wish to make for Allāh clear evidence against you?


Indeed, the hypocrites are in the lowest depths of the fire,                            145

And never will you find for them a helper.


Except those who repent and reform thenselves and hold fast to Allāh,       146

And are sincere in their religion for Allāh,

Then those are with the faithful.

And soon Allāh shall give the faithful a great reward.


What would Allāh do by punishing you if you are grateful and faithful?     147

And Allāh is appreciative, knowing.


Allāh does not love the broadcasting of evil with speech,                             148

Except by the one who has been wronged.

And Allāh is hearing, knowing.


If you reveal a good, or you conceal it, or pardon an evil,                             149

Then indeed, Allāh is forgiving, powerful.


Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allāh and His messengers,                          150

And wish to discriminate between Allāh and His messengers,

And say:  We believe in some and we disbelieve in others,

And they wish to make between that a way,


Those, they are truly faithless.                                                                       151

And We have prepared for the faithless a humiliating punishment.


And those who believe in Allāh and His messengers,                                   152

And do not discriminate between a one of them,

Those, soon He shall give them their reward.

And Allāh is forgiving, merciful.


People of the Book ask you to bring down to them a book from heaven.     153

Then indeed, they asked Moses greater than that, for they said:

Show us Allāh manifestly.

So the thunderbolt struck them for their transgression.

Then they took the calf after what had come to them of clear proofs,

Then We forgave them for that.

And We gave Moses a clear authority.


And We raised over them the Ṭūr [Mount Sinai] for their covenant,            154

And We said to them:  Enter the gate, prostrating.

And We said to them:  Do not transgress during the sabbath.

And We took from them a solemn covenant.


Then because of their breaking their covenant,                                              155

And their faithlessness in the signs of Allāh,

And their killing of the prophets without any right,

And their saying:  Our hearts are covered,

No, Allāh set a seal on their hearts for their faithlessness,

So they do not believe, except a few.


And for their faithlessness,                                                                             156

And for their saying against Maryam a great slander,


And their saying:  Indeed we killed the messiah, ‘Īsā, son of Mary,             157

Messenger of Allāh.

And they did not kill him and they did not crucify him,

But it appeared so to them.

And indeed, those who dispute in it are surely in doubt about it.

They do not have any knowledge of it except the pursuit of conjecture.

And certainly they did not kill him.


No, he was raised by Allāh to Him.                                                               158

And Allāh is almighty, wise.


And for the people of the Book,                                                                     159

There is not one but surely believes in it before his death.

And on the day of the standing he will be a witness against them.


Then, for the iniquity of those who were Jews,                                              160

We made unlawful for them good things which had been lawful for them.

And for their hindering many from the way of Allāh,


And for their taking of usury while certainly they were forbidden from it,   161

And for their consuming the wealth of the people in vain,

We have prepared for the faithless among them a painful punishment.


But the ones who are firm in knowledge among them,                                  162

And the faithful who believe in what was sent down to you

And what was sent down before you,

And the faithful of the prayer, and the givers of zakāh,

And the ones who have faith in Allāh and the last day,

Those, We shall give them a great reward.


Indeed, We have revealed to you as We revealed to Noah                            163

And the prophets after him.  And we revealed to Abraham and Ishmael,

And Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and to Jesus and Job and Jonah,

And Aaron and Solomon,

And to David We gave the Psalms.


And certainly there are messengers We have narrated to you before,           164

And there are messengers We did not narrate to you.

And Allāh spoke to Moses in conversation.


Messengers, bearers of good news and warners,                                            165

So there is for mankind no argument against God after the messengers.

And God is Almighty, wise.


But Allāh witnesses by what He has sent down to you.                                 166

He sent it down by His knowledge,

And the angels bear witness.

And sufficient is Allāh a witness.


Indeed, those who disbelieve and hinder from the way of Allāh,                  167

Certainly they have strayed, far astray.


Indeed, those who disbelieve and transgress,                                                 168

Allāh will not forgive them and He will not guide them to a way,


Except the way to hell, abiding in it forever.                                                 169

And that is easy for Allāh.


O humanity, certainly the messenger has come to you with the truth           170

From your Rabb.

So have faith.

It is better for you.

But if you disbelieve,

Then indeed, to Allāh belongs what is in the heavens and the earth.

And Allāh is knowing, wise.


O People of the Book, do not commit excess in your religion,                      171

And do not speak about God except the truth.

The messiah, Jesus, son of Mary was not but a messenger of God,

And a spirit from Him,

And His word which He conveyed to Mary

So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say:  Three.

Desist.  It is better for you.

Surely God is but One God.

Glory be to Him.

That he should have a son,

To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth.

And sufficient is Allāh a dispenser of affairs.


Never would the Messiah disdain to be a slave of Allāh,                              172

And not the angels, the ones who are near to Allāh.

And whoever disdains to serve Him and is arrogant,

Then He will gather them to Him altogether.


Then as for those who believed and did virtuous deeds,                                173

Then He shall reward them in full their recompense,

And increase them from His bounty.

And as for those who disdained and were arrogant,

Then He shall punish them with a painful punishment,

And they shall not find for themselves, apart from Allāh, a protector,

And not any helper.


O humanity, truly a convincing proof has come to you from your Rabb,     174

And We have sent down to you a clear light.


So as for those who have had faith in Allāh and held fast to Him,                175

Then He shall admit them into mercy from Him, and grace,

And shall guide them to Him on a straight path.


Then seek your ruling.                                                                                    176

Say:  Allāh gives you a ruling concerning those without parent or child.

If a man died and he has no child, and he has a sister,

Then for her is half of what he left.

And he shall inherit from her if she does not have a child.

And if there were two sisters, then two thirds for them of what he left.

But if they were brother and sister siblings, men and women,

Then the male will have a share like the two females.

Allāh makes clear to you lest you go astray.

And Allāh is of everything a knower.


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